
Thousands in the streets of Paris celebrating and cheering “no pasaran” or "They will not pass” as the far right falls out n France’s election. Just absolutely amazing scenes tonight across France as they fight the fascists back. Now it’s our time to be brave and come together to for a united front.
Sounds great in Spanish. Loses something in English.
How is "They Shall Not Pass" not perfect for the moment? Especially for genre nerds?
Difficult when you have the majority of the press actively trying to sabotage one of the candidates, with no plausible back up plan to victory.
Yes it is but it’s the reality that the media was never going to save us it has always been on us to educate others and work with them to stop this and we still have a lot of time to do all we can to make that happen.
What’s there to educate on when you have an active ongoing sabotage campaign that has no viable back up plan? Putting a replacement candidate in place with the hope to educate and convince general election/swing voters… in three months? Fantasy land.
cool you’ve given up already and let cynicism win. You either vote Democrat and live another day or you don’t. I’m sorry it’s so hard for you to comprehend and you’re willing to let it all go because you’re unable to face the reality of the situation.Not acting to protect who you can is capitulation
shut him up good karl
Don’t worry about me. Worry about the impact on voters who are not terminally online, and could be suddenly faced with a ticket that they didn’t want and don’t understand in the general. An electorate that delivered for Biden in ‘20 is likely still there but may not be as existentially motivated.
Why are they chanting in Spanish?
it’s a common anti fascist phrase across the region and a transcends borders.
no pasaran comes from the Spanish civil war iirc.
Yes, as T. says, it preceded the Spanish Civil War. In Verdun, it was "On ne passe pas," a slogan which appeared on Maginot Line uniform badges in WW2. In '34, French socialist León Blum used "Ils ne passeront pas." Spanish communist Dolores Ibárruri Gómez used "No pasarán" in a 1936 speech.
lol they're chanting in Spanish?
Ok then they're not cheering "no pasaran"
Weird because they are. Go watch the video have a good night I’m not arguing over the reality of this. That’s what they are chanting.
in addition it's a phrase they've used in resistance since WWI
'No pasarán' is a very common anti-fascist slogan, not just in Spain but internationally; it's not strange at all that they'd be chanting it at a rally like that.