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Adam · I like bikes and the bus · he/him
Chicago via MN
Ernie Bushmiller, welcome to the War on Cars!
Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller July 5,1950
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A man has been using Facebook to terrorize his ex and their children. He brags about it: “I want her to worry about who’s waiting on the corner.” But police do nothing and nobody seems to take it seriously. Chilling story from Stacy St Clair and Joe Mahr
How one man uses Facebook to frighten his children's mother and why police do An analysis of data from nearly two dozen Illinois police departments found police rarely arrest people for electronic harassment, even as complaints increase.
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we all have that one friend who gently raps at chamber doors
Naked Eyes "Always Something There To Remind Me" Al Green "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?"
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
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Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
mom likes to raiseonaechs every spring/summer and this year the one she got went into chrysalis a couple days before their road trip. so, she took it with. it came out this morning! hopefully it knows where to go??
more pro cyclists should kiss their wives mid-stage in the premier annual cycling event!!!
heat wave out here in PDX but I got up early and stole my brother's e-bike for some explorin. saw a beaver!
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What if quitting your terrible job would help the economy? Research by economists Zhifeng Cai & shows that extending unemployment insurance to workers who quit their jobs would improve economic efficiency.
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It would appear this was not a winning strategy
somehow worse than the turbo turd Armageddon truck in Logan I saw last night
My first thought was they're filming Spaceballs 2 in Chicago.
happy birthday McDonald's
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~o~l~d~~p~e~o~p~l~e~~d~o~n~’~t~~w~a~n~t~~b~i~k~e~~l~a~n~e~s~ #bryantbikepath #winning
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"boilermaker" "shot and a beer" 🤝 having a good one
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Current estimates say that every prompt you give a generative "AI" system— not each session, every PROMPT— is like pouring a 16 oz bottle of water onto the ground. This is a fact that goes somewhere in every talk i give, now, & i always see audience members looking it up… and then looking horrified
Annoyed by articles that go into great detail about what companies say they're doing with so-called "A.I." but do not ask what companies are doing about the technology's ecological impact.
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The Harold Washington Library Center (aka the BIG library) is a pretty amazing place. It has lots of work space, hangout space, archives, art exhibits, loads of books and some really special programmed spaces.
Reading this thread and marvelling at what wonderful things can be achieved when you actually fund decent public services.
Top 10 Things to Do at Harold Washington Library Lifelong Chicagoans and first-time visitors alike can always find something great to do at HWLC. Experience the outdoors, indoors:…
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Hi I’m selling a road bike. Best fits someone 4’11” -5’3”. Tell your friends. I’m highly susceptible to deals for people in need. #bikechi
I MADE IT. 9 days off now. 🥹
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These are bonkers numbers. I really hope the Legislature can come back with a new process, and a ton more funding to meet this super-high demand next year. People want better ways to get around! Ebikes are such a low-cost way to provide mobility options to so many!
🎶 I'm looking for a hard-hatted woman 🎵
how can I despair when I say hi to the nice crossing guard and she wishes me a happy and safe holiday?
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Of all the things people are saying the Democrats/Biden should do to make sure he wins in November, the least controversial is to talk about abortion rights over and over and over and over... Appeals to abstract notions of democracy are great but abortion access is how we maintain democracy.
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Stop making jokes and recognize that your account on a microblogging site known by 4% of the American population and whose most famous user is Weird Al Yankovich could single-handedly win or lose this election
folks,,,please resist the urge to watch your bike mechanic work
had to double-check I didn't just have Blago in the shop
the crew working on the Kennedy blocked both north and south bike lanes on Damen and what I call the mercy lane on Webster underneath the highway. naturally I had my life threatened moments after this. fuck drivers.
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"A community organizer, Yadana Oo, said the family had fled from persecution and into refugee camps. 'To come here and to lose your child that way, it makes you question,' she said. 'Did we run from one persecutor to another?'"
13-Year-Old Boy Shot and Killed by Police After Officers in Utica, N.Y., believed the boy had brandished a handgun. The police chief said on Saturday that it was a pellet gun.