Brandon Metheny

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Brandon Metheny

Wrestling ring announcer and commentator, lawyer, admissions director, referee, ex-zoo train engineer, former journalist who can’t shake the habit. Trying to understand the world.
Look, sometimes you end up with a bumper crop of fresh blueberries, and muffins simply must be made. These tops got a little…big, but they’re tasty, so I’m not complaining.
I’m not at all convinced that he’ll actually be able to find the line to sign on his retirement paperwork, but this is nothing but good for baseball. Good riddance to a truly, profoundly terrible umpire.
Much-maligned umpire Ángel Hernández to retire from Major League MLB players and fans alike were always been vocal about Ángel Hernández being one of baseball's worst umpires.
Really fantastic piece on’s team at KUSK. I’ve said it before: I love my career in law school admissions, but that’s the first group where I’ve said “I wish I could practice with them.” Not just great legal minds, but truly incredible people.
How a Profane Joke on Twitter Spawned a Legal A litigation team built from the sharpest, funniest tweeters is suing Elon Musk.
Honestly my favorite part of being Jewish is the number of non-Jews eager to use me as a prop
Wishing a Chag Pesach Sameach to,,,,,,, and all of my fellow Jews! May this be a joyful celebration & may all of us soon be free.
Being reminded of the glorious time that was the Threadnought, and the Voltron-esque legal team that emerged from it, I’m inclined to believe could’ve had a hell of a career in professional sports if he wanted it. The man’s skill at scouting talent is next level.
I often think about this quote from Albert Einstein: “If my theory of relativity is proven correct, Germany will claim me as a German and France will declare that I am a citizen of the world. Should my theory prove untrue, France will say that I am a German and Germany will declare that I am a Jew.”
I think a lot about how a friend's mom asked her if Jews were white one time after I left their house, and my friend apparently responded 'jews are only white if it benefits white people for them to be"
I can’t wait for this week’s Serious Trouble, where Josh will ask if Kise and Habba are good lawyers, followed by Ken’s head exploding.
Avatar Good Shabbos to you and your family, Akiva. Here’s hoping when this one ends, there won’t be terrible news awaiting us.
All credit in the world to Akiva for coherently and intelligently putting into words what has been swirling in my head for weeks. Take time and read this.
Some thoughts on the laws of war, why I believe that they strike the right moral balance, and why I think it's disastrous to demand that belligerents simply choose not to strike military targets if doing so will also harm civilians.
Thinking about Israel, Gaza, and the Laws of Let’s start with this: The untimely death of any innocent is, at a minimum, a tragedy. That’s true whether it’s a mother who dies in a car accident, a brother who falls off a high building, a da...
Not me, but someone I know has reffed boxing forever. Reffed a fight where one guy tried to low blow his opponent. Missed, threw himself off balance, fell face first into the corner, knocked himself out. Ref counts 10 and we’re done.
quote post this with a really foolish injury one time, I broke my heel trying to do some kinda 3/4 assisted front-flip, barefoot, on a wooden floor, that I had seen Jackie Chan do in Rush Hour 2
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