Brandi Collins-Dexter

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Brandi Collins-Dexter

Author of Black Skinhead: Reflections in Blackness & Our Political Future. Cat mom (Ella & Satchel). Researcher. Techno optimist in an antitrust goth phase. Chicago is my ❤️, Baltimore is my 🏡.
My friend Hope Wood was a tireless, inspiring racial justice leader. She truly embodies hope, action and change. Her & her wife Peggy Moore were organizers at the vanguard of transformative leadership. Please consider supporting their family during this hard time.
Peggy Moore & Hope Wood Family Support Fund, organized by Brendalynn On Friday, May 10, 2024, a tragic car accident claimed the lives of our… Brendalynn Goodall needs your support for Peggy Moore & Hope Wood Family Support Fund
Grambling State Tigers are like everything I love & hate about March Madness. Hate that they force HBCU teams to do play in games EVERY TIME. But a team that started 2-10, staging an epic comeback and busting brackets…gotta love it. 🏀
South by Southwest is like… what if we raged… for the machine?
I know SXSW is like the Coachella of tech but they’re often on the wrong side of history. Poor response to gamergate, deportation clauses, military propaganda & CIA recruitment… I’m begging ya’ll, please consider doing your disinfo, AI or racial justice panel elsewhere.
SXSW ‘Fully Respects’ Artists Boycotting Festival Due to U.S. Army Sponsorship: ‘We Are Witnessing Unspeakable Tragedies’ and ‘Repressive Regimes’ As artists boycott SXSW due to its U.S. Army sponsorship, the festival says it 'fully respects' their actions amid 'the rise of repressive regimes.'
Proud of my husband and his colleagues at The Marshall Project for launching their union today! It will be part of the NewsGuild of New York, CWA Local 31003, & will represent staffers on the editorial and business sides, with 80% support from staff.
I cannot stress this enough pleASE create your own blogs or websites, artists. You can link them to your socials so people will still be able to find you!
Welp, looks like Tumblr is going to quickly become a non-viable place to post any art going forward (there are talks of them apparently partnering with midjourney :/ ). Honestly I'm tired ya'll ~_~....
Press any key to Shit. This may be pure chance and coincidence, and it's not he is in a position to be able to talk about anything, but seeing prominent staff members announcing they are moving their original photogr…
There’s something devastating happening with Black women in the tech & movement space. I want to put my arms around us. I think of Carmen Hermosillo talking about Cyberspace as a black hole, absorbing energy and personality, re-presenting it as emotional spectacle. We’re the labor & the commodity.
If you’re still not willing to at least consider that this a genocide in progress, made possible by the US’s unwavering support, you should just admit that you’re unwilling to be convinced no matter what’s put in front of you.
Israeli forces storm besieged Gaza hospital where hundreds are Heavy tank and machine-gun fire as Israeli army enters Nasser Hospital after ordering occupants to evacuate.
That Shel Silverstein book The Giving Tree was like the realest shit ever. Because I swear if you let them, people will take everything you’re willing (and unwilling) to give including the chair you’re sitting on. Then your stump becomes their seat. And they’ll tell people you just live to give.
The NFL blackballed Kaepernick & Eric Reid for exercising freedom of speech. People wanted justice. Owners said: OR we can do “Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing” + put “end racism” in the end-zone. So instead of justice, we got clowns rediscovering the >100 year old anthem every year & being faux outraged.
The Usher concert made me realize that I need to commit more to wearing broaches.
I really need every Black woman to watch this interview. It’s long and I’ve been taking breaks but it’s important and valuable. So many gems of knowledge 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽 Always, ALWAYS, stand up for yourself and do not let people try to get free labor from you. EVERRRR.
Monique is always speaking facts and truth and her consistency, persistence, and self respect is a lesson to us all. They ALL better give that woman her money!
Mo'Nique on Hollywood | CLUB SHAY Mo'Nique joins Shannon Sharpe at Club Shay Shay for a candid and uproarious conversation. First, Mo'Nique delves into the heated moment when Skip Bayless tol...
Seeing people’s fur babies on my feed has inspired me to post Satchel and Ella. Satchel (black) we met at the Give Purrs A Chance cat cafe in West Virginia. Ella (gray) picked us when we went to the SPCA in Baltimore.
One of my favorite things about being on Bluesky is getting on early enough that all the philosophical provocations, tech discourse and leftist diatribes are spaced out between whimsical posts from pithy sex workers. Hopefully we can keep that energy.
Octavia E. Butler was undiagnosed with dyslexia. Teachers said she was ‘lazy and did not try hard enough.’.. She reframed the narrative of disability by believing herself to be a genius & highly capable and began to create richly speculative narratives to reimagine race, disability, and gender.
Disability History Month: Octavia E. Butler – The School of Katie Heffner is a PhD candidate in the School of History researching the social and cultural history of women in science fiction fandoms. Her work explores how women in science fiction communities articulated and fabulated science and technology in the early Cold War.
This NYT Travis Kelce invented the fade story reminds me of when I showed friends & family the cover for my book Black Skinhead. They were like “he’s just getting a fade tho.” Instead of saying my yt editors didn’t know the difference, I said the cover just shows Black Skinheads are everywhere.
Giving Travis Kelce credit for the fade is fucking WILD! Doing so during Black History Month is audacious in scope, shameless in its ahistoricity, & brazen in its racism... so, standard NY Times.
One thing about the New York Times… they stay aggressively resisting the urge to turn any moment of institutional reflection into sustainable reporting, editing and hiring practices. They’re really out here like: fuck you AND the DEI horse you rode in on, we like our stories like we like our rice.
we begged NYT to write about public universities, so their main HE reporter covers the new rules governing Florida's university system, doesn't even mention the abolition of all DEI programs, gives star billing to a Wayne State sociology prof who thinks the discipline has been hijacked by leftists
Florida Eliminates Sociology as a Core Course at Its In December, Florida’s education commissioner wrote that “sociology has been hijacked by left-wing activists.”
One thing about the New York Times… they stay aggressively resisting the urge to turn any moment of institutional reflection into sustainable reporting, editing and hiring practices. They’re really out here like: fuck you AND the DEI horse you rode in on, we like our stories like we like our rice.
I feel like Lprne Michaels and Vince McMahon are the same but Lorne seems to have better impulse control. They’re both good at laundering right wing content to supposedly liberal audiences & maintaining toxic, racist workplaces. They both think they’re funny but are lame af & destroy their shows.
One thing young people have learned over and over: you can be a young person of conscious, using your voice to challenge power, and the NYT will never talk to you, only publish the things billionaires say about you, but if you are a contrarian willing to defend power you get a whole profile
publishing this on the first day of Black History Month is so fucked up lol
Racists, homophobes and misogynists are such fragile snowflakes.
The thing about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce is that last week the NSA confirmed to me that the agency is buying up Americans' internet browsing data from shady data brokers without a warrant.
N.S.A. Buys Americans’ Internet Data Without Warrants, Letter The disclosure comes amid congressional scrutiny and a Federal Trade Commission crackdown on commercial data brokers.
Morning read from Our Data Bodies: New report, Tracked and Targeted: Navigating Worker Surveillance at Amazon, details through interviews the emotional, physical, and material costs of being watched and pushed to optimize productivity and performance models.
Amazon no longer allows law enforcement to request doorbell footage from users & will now require a warrant… This is a significant win for my colleagues in the Athena Coalition ( who have been steadfast in the anti-surveillance fight.
Amazon Ring says US police will now need warrant to access user In an about-face, the company disables feature allowing law enforcement to request footage directly from users