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Caretaker of a (literal) gutter 😼 and two other street rescues. Queer/Bi , He/Him/Any
Final big harvest for the olallieberries today I think. Maybe 8-12oz left as well as some late flowers showing up.
okay why don't you just turn me directly into dust, it'd be a lot faster.
New Monardella and Eriogonum day! (someone sat on/dug at the M. villosa so it currently looks much worse, but I think it will recover fine.)
*extreme niche skeet* worst spin on the North Woods Inn model ever
"He likes to look at pictures, and he would just tear it once he's done looking at it and throw it on the floor"
Reposted byAvatar Noel
I found it, y'all, I found the best derivative of the TMNT logo
Show me your pets and what they're named for
Show me your pets and what they're named for
~nap time~
Pet nap posting: the professional league
Quote this with who you would be in STAR TREK.
Quote this with who you would be in STAR TREK.
in 6th grade? I think? I was holding a pencil under my desk while reading, knee involuntarily jerked and I stabbed a ring finger with the pencil. Why was I holding it under the desk? No idea. Why did I have the point facing my finger? No idea. Is there still a mark on that finger? Yes
quote post this with a really foolish injury one time, I broke my heel trying to do some kinda 3/4 assisted front-flip, barefoot, on a wooden floor, that I had seen Jackie Chan do in Rush Hour 2
End of feed.