acerbic otter is HOT (NO not like THAT)

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acerbic otter is HOT (NO not like THAT)

Yes, I’m that one, if you know me from other online spaces. The ecology-professor one. Opinions are my own and definitely do not reflect those of my workplace.

If your first interaction with me is a hostile "joke," enjoy your block
dang, I'll probably wind up a Psyduck
wishing you all a very happy pokemon transformation day
I made almost a mooing sound and then burst out laughing
bringing a gift over from the old place
or they could just do the "caucus race" as described by Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland (rolls eyes)
what the fuck is this sorkin-brain shit?
I went to a conference once where I was late to get a hotel room, and had to take one (at a more distant hotel) that wound up looking like this. the idea of a jacuzzi tub right in the main room weirded me out more than a little.
In thirteen words and a picture, there is just so very much going on here.
It is no comfort to tell someone who is struggling that others have it worse. At best, you add guilt to their worries. At worst, you invoke wider despair. A true warrior knows not to borrow trouble, and to help your comrades, not add to their burdens.
I've been screaming about how we're headed for a very lopsided "two tiered system" for a while: horrible, cheap goods, AI driven "customer (not) service" and other "services" that wind up not providing any service for 99% of us; actual humans and quality stuff for the 1%
It drives me nuts when people say we need to make sure poor people have access to AI. The entire schtick is focused on providing AI slop to the masses while ensuring the elites get real human professionals. Having a human teacher or doctor or lawyer cannot become a bespoke luxury for the wealthy.
Those 12 hours of rain to asleep to videos are just the sounds of chicken being deep-fried
the nihilism of secular modernism leads to desaturation and emptiness because while the survival drive still gives reason to the functional, if not meaning, it cannot give reason to the joyful expression of color until one moves to post-nihilism.
one of our great cultural failings in the modernist pursuit of metrology is the failure to recognize the value and joy in artistic expression.
many such people in the world, I've learned (I've had people tell me I should stop having a car. In rural Oklahoma. LOL. THey usually glaze over long before I explain all the reasons)
Blocked lmao, all you ever have to do is tell a certain kind of person that they aren't the sole center of the universe and it breaks their ability to engage with the outside world
there are a lotta hungry kids in my town. The Boys and Girls Club does what they can,, but......ain't none of us who can donate enough to cover this
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
This was my very favorite Introvert Drawing Club session - thank you !!! I think forcing myself not to pick up a pencil for this + owls unlocked something for me.
"8:30 am? And why have you not fed me yet?"
It’s 8:30 or so, Sunday morning. You feel the weight of your sweet kitty on the bed behind you. You roll over, turn on the light, and you see this:
New otter
a friend of mine from church, who is Very Not Online, commented at lunch today: "I am not sure I like Biden, I think he was bad in the debate, but I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why a guy with 34 felony convictions is still allowed to run" so yeah, the conviction is having an impact
I've never actually read Proust, but, like, this is Proust, right?
Time travel and pokemon cards.
Me, as the experiment I took a long time to set up fails utterly because a student didn't prepare well: "THIS IS NOT THE LIFE GODZILLA WANTED FOR ME"
hon hon hon hon hon
Le Pen carrying on the only laudable Vichey tradition; losing
seeing the news out of France about Macron's win
ah wait did the far right go down in yet another country?
The mad lad did it
we had either a cold front come through again, or just a cool north wind prior to storms starting up & I just went out and STOOD in it and let it blow my hair around because it's been so long since we had a nice cool wind and it felt really good it's also cloudy after days and days of hot blank sky
be WEIRD (laudatory) not WEIRD (derogatory)
Be a WEIRD DUDE (awesome, queer, layered, fun, cool as hell) Don't be a WEIRD DUDE (shitty, judgmental, mean, derogatory, a bigot)
send the good men to the moon and bring them back safely send the bad men to Mars and tell them they'll have to fend for themselves there
why did we stop sending men to the moon. So many men could fit up there