
Honestly kind of laughable they’re recognizing this now, four years into the pandemic?? Of COURSE covid isn’t seasonal, we knew this after the first year! Great their messaging finally reflects the science but it’s a little too late, especially without any mandates to enforce recommendations.
“You should use layers of protection” yeah, no shit! that’s what many experts said from the very beginning and were ignored so government could push a vaccine-only campaign and force people back to work faster. I’ll never not be angry about this.
they're still calling masks a secondary intervention too 😩
lol this is how i’m seeing it the cdc still doesn’t have a good way to get info out to people so it’s worthless also who remembers the swiss cheese graphic going around shout out to the civilian volunteers who got word out early on for free
Exactly. And yep, I’m so thankful for those who have volunteered their time and energy to actually educate and collect info better than the gov ever did. I wouldn’t have stayed safe without listening to all the disabled folks, science communicators, etc who got word out early about masks etc.