
What gives me hope are the normal people trying to save things. People running for school board against moms for liberty freaks, college kids protesting, local newsrooms investigating corruption etc. They inspire but also make me pissed off at the powerful people/institutions that won’t defend them
College kids trying to stop innocent people from dying as their college president puts snipers on the roof to watch over non-violent protests, a reporter getting sued as Maureen Dowd plops out another editorial comparing Bill Maher to James Dean. Just a ruling class that does not give a shit.
I saw everyone posting the first rule of dealing with authoritarian government which is “do not obey in advance” and all I could think of was the university presidents at hearings nodding along to people trying to literally bring about the end times telling them what to do
It’s understandable why people fall into conspiracy theories. Turns out there is a ruling class who are determined to ruin everything but it’s just a bunch of shitty rich people instead of Lizard people
The ruling class may be the problem.* * They definitely are.
I'm reassured at the idea that the US is fucking *huge* and any attempt to corral the entirety of it under one repressive ideology is almost certainly doomed to failure
I mean...not to be a downer, but so's China, just saying. otoh they have a much different history of course.
Or at least a collapse of a good part of the economy would doom part of it to failure, which if many parts of the 2025 project plant are enacted will cause a collapse. Hell, some of the outcomes from the Chevron decision might.
Exactly this. Just the slightest hint of principle from even a few more powerful people would go incredibly far.
It’s a very little thing but the bench is so much stronger and more diverse and creative than it was during the Obama years. There genuinely is energy down ballot in a lot of places
I wish those institutions weren't actively suppressing them...
It's why I've become a firm believer in the need for a more violent left. Trump's second term is guaranteed to involve the religious right going hogwild on their most absurd and unpopular theocratic nonsense but they will get away with it because their opponents won't be willing to escalate enough.
Or because they have bottomless faith in rules and “norms” that their opponents have total contempt for and happily abuse or ignore.
well, maybe the people much leftier than I are right and they ALL gotta go. still, I think, triage applies here.