
French people riot and block roads every two weeks because the price of a baguette increased but suddenly they reject fascism and it’s like oh wow this kooky country can’t get anything done!
France: Defeats fascists. NYT:
What the fuck is the NYT even doing as this point. NYT earns a new nickname: far-right bootlickers
France, a country that is on its fifth republic, is famous for having been governable right up until just now.
every one of the 200 articles stumping for fascism the Times puts out a month these days are so clearly typed with one hand
The home of the guillotine is suddenly 'ungovernable', in 2024. Tell me another, NYT!
what is the attempted wit behind that imbecilic headline? because americans sometimes learn french, uh.... therefore french people don't know words? that's breathtakingly unhinged
alex guenther learns a new word: confused.
Love how they say "ungovernable" like it's a bad thing.
l'm putting it down as some AI shit because l refuse to believe a person could be this dumb
Please understand that the situation in France is far more delicate and complex than just "fascists lost". Macron has stated that he refuses a coalition that includes the LFI or the RN. NFP has stated that LFI must take the lead in govt building. It's very unclear as to what will happen.
Also, keep in mind that while it's nice to conclude that the RN didn't win the election, they've made great strides in terms of seats won, and is now the most powerful party in French politics. It's actually a situation that keeps worsening.
It's not to say that it isn't complicated, it's how they chose this specific framing for a somewhat optimistic result given the catastrophic projections. Especially when the US' system has led the govt to almost shut down 3x over the past year so it's not like they're an example of governability lol
It was not supposed to be a link there, no idea how that happened lol
Times is basically Breitbart in a fancy suit. Just a full on ratfucking operation at this point
It's almost like the NYT are fascist collaborators
National Front come third out of three, "And the authorities say give 'em all seats"
Not surprising that a NYT writer isn't in favor of people rejecting fascism
"The New York Times," or as I call it, "Pravda."
my gawd, the op ed room is run be a bunch of punk teenagers hopped up on dope! 😱
nah. i don't think the nyt would have good music on. muZak. maybe😜
Belgium had no functioning govt for about 18 months, hardly anyone noticed.
Every right wing/corporate German newspaper I saw yesterday run a similar title.
America getting pissed that they don’t have the monopoly on effective revolution. Buddy it was once in 1776. You did it once, they kept getting it right.* *with two notable 20th C exceptions
New York times is becoming a right wing rag.
Also, before the UK election, they invited a Jeremy Corbyn defender - Corbyn being the guy who thinks Ukraine is to blame for the war and more than tolerated antisemitism in his party - to write an article which is summed up as "He's not Corbyn so I don't like him. Hence he's not going to be good."
Like, there is disagreeing and then there is "I want this guy to fail and ruin the country so I can later claim 'my guy would have been better'." And the NYT was like, "Yes the guy who hates the future PM will definitely write a fair profile about him! Bring him over!"