Bridgette Dunlap

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Bridgette Dunlap

Lawyer & writer. Words at Missouri Independent, Rolling Stone, Rewire, The Atlantic, Slate, Ms., KC Star, & Substack
I keep thinking about how the SCOTUS justices, who have proven they care a TON about their media coverage, issued the worst decision since Dredd Scott and then got to happily watch outlets spend the next week running 10,000 “Biden in Trouble” stories and like 5 “Hm, Immunity is Interesting” stories
You’re going to be up until 3 in the morning because you did this to yourself
New for MSNBC: I'm not optimistic that the CNN debate moderators will pressure Trump to commit to a coherent position on repro rights. The mainstream political press loves to let Trump off the hook even though we're five months from the election and he's still careening wildly between positions.
Opinion | CNN’s debate moderators shouldn’t miss the opportunity to ask Trump The former president can’t go even one measly news cycle with a consistent message on reproductive rights.
Son calls in to say his dad is missing. Same day, police mentally torture him into confessing to his dad’s murder—including by threatening to euthanize his dog. So much pressure that he attempts to die by suicide during a pause in the interrogation. The catch? THE DAD WAS STILL ALIVE!
End of feed.