
They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
The grants pass argument is that there is a shelter available The shelter is church run and requires that anyone staying attend their church services on Sundays Idk how broad the scotus decision is but the specific grants pass case sucks because the state is mandating “go to church or else”
There's also not ever enough space for everyone in bed. And I'd bet dollars to donuts they'll kick you out if you're queer or they otherwise "disagree with your sinful lifestyle." Most church shelters are like that. And it's Grants Pass so probably racist as fuck, too.
But if you are kicked out, then there are no longer shelter available. 🤔
But then clearly it was your fault for being bad and you have to get a ticket you clearly can’t ever possibly afford to pay or you wouldn’t be in that predicament in the first place, and then get all your stuff thrown in the trash
Sadly, that will probably be the practical result.
They'll just argue that if folks want help they should just stop being queer and go to church. Totally the homeless person's problem.
It is, of course, a choice, just like not owning a home