
They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
Some areas of the UK are either starting to, or trying to, fine homeless people for rough sleeping. Absolutely disgusting behaviour, and counter-productive.
Like where are they even gonna get the money to pay the fine from? They might as well just bring back debtor’s prisons for how they treat the poor!
Yeah, exactly, I suspect it was being introduced to threaten them with prison and to then just shunt them off to be another local authority's "problem"
It’s the short-term, self-reinforcing gratification of “punishment” without any thought put into actually stopping homelessness from happening.
Can't remember which LA it was but IIRC it was a quite posh Tory area so I suspect they just didn't want their residents "irritated by peasants"
They end up with criminal records for not paying or appearing in court, and are rendered permanent street outcasts because they can't pass background/credit checks to get homes and jobs.
That's been the goal all along.
And biden raised his fists in anger and asks the heavans, "are there no workhouses for these layabouts?!"
Good that way they can work off their debt to society /s
I'm sure JRM is starting up his own branded chain of workhouses - that'll make up for if he (hopefully) loses his job as an MP
That’s how it used work. If you read the second half of Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London he spent a lot of time moving from one “spike” (homeless hostel) to another as the law of the land was that if you were homeless you needed to be moving “to find work”. In reality it was a closed loop
There aren't enough milkshakes in the world.
"people who can't afford homes charged rent to also not sleep outside"
The grants pass argument is that there is a shelter available The shelter is church run and requires that anyone staying attend their church services on Sundays Idk how broad the scotus decision is but the specific grants pass case sucks because the state is mandating “go to church or else”
There's also not ever enough space for everyone in bed. And I'd bet dollars to donuts they'll kick you out if you're queer or they otherwise "disagree with your sinful lifestyle." Most church shelters are like that. And it's Grants Pass so probably racist as fuck, too.
But if you are kicked out, then there are no longer shelter available. 🤔
But then clearly it was your fault for being bad and you have to get a ticket you clearly can’t ever possibly afford to pay or you wouldn’t be in that predicament in the first place, and then get all your stuff thrown in the trash
Sadly, that will probably be the practical result.
They'll just argue that if folks want help they should just stop being queer and go to church. Totally the homeless person's problem.
"separation of church and state" has always been a joke
since scotus are now the experts, i'd like to hear how they expect to effectively rehabilitate "not having a home" crimes? wtf??
They don't intend those to be rehabilitated
I guess the court expects all those claiming to be good Christians to step up and give a hand to those homeless.... The same good Christians that passed those anti-Homeless laws.
No, they don't give homeless people any more thought than they would give ants in their garden. They're pests, something to step over, nothing more
Tangential, but the charges that people arrested at the UCSD encampment faced included the same trash can encroachment statute that the City uses against unhoused people. Anyone who makes themselves inconvenient to power in some way is just downgraded from human to annoying sidewalk trash can.
Not at all tangential, right on target
Or worse, call the police on and have the police destroy all of the homeless person's property. Denver proper police seem to enjoy doing this.
San Francisco as well. You can try to get into a shelter where you'll have to relinquish most of your possessions or leave them somewhere you hope they don't get stolen, or you can risk staying on the street and getting them run over by a bulldozer.
I think the homeless have some value to them, but only as a warning to the rest of us of what could happen if we stop working as hard as we can to prop up the capitalist oligarchs. Homelessness is a policy decision and a message, and the message is a threat.
Our Corporate Overlords need more cheap labor. How do you think this capitalism thing works, anyway?
The private prisons want this .. they make money off each inmate and have been wanting harsher sentences so they get more people and make more Money.
Apparently it’s legal to storm the Capitol. Plenty of places to sleep and shit
Well you see, the Supreme Court is currently dominated by originalists, and the original function of the Supreme Court was to maintain the power of the slaveocracy.
Has Thomas read the original Constitution? It’s not great for him
You have mistaken Clarence Thomas for a human being, when in fact he is a tulpa manifested from pure internalized racism.
He also needs to look in a mirror ever so often to remind him of his dark melanin
Charging people for not having a home with crimes will only make them less likely to get a job and a home.
The purpose of a system is what it does
don’t forget extrajudicial murder for non compliance
…civil forfeiture to take everything from you …qualified immunity to murder you …no duty to protect you if you are being murdered
If someone is in jail for 30 days, they are considered not homeless anymore. It’s a sleight of hand.
They'll also harass you if you're sleeping in your car.