
This is why I’ve been writing for years that “nothing in movement conservatism makes sense except in the light of creationism.” It’s the exact same tactics, just repurposed for other causes. I share the frustration.
It is enormously frustrating to know, as an evolutionary biologist with experience from the trenches of the creationist wars on science, that nobody on Biden’s team nor CNN’s seem to be aware of the Gish Gallop, 30y after Eugenie Scott described it and years of Trump deploying it!
Gish gallop -
I've done a bit of public speaking, and it seems to me that the Gish gallop is incredibly difficult to deal with. You have to mentally tear yourself out of the discussion to say 'You're full of it.' But yes, Biden seemed unprepared for it.
This is why we need more peoplewith terrible personalities in politics. I have zero problem doing this, because I have no charisma and don't care what people think of me as a person. Put me up there and I'll make Trump stroke out within half an hour.
And I'll enjoy it too, on account of that terrible personality.
I would use a patronizing singsong on him. "Did your fake general have tears in his eyes when he told you about post birth abortions, sir? Fake tears for fake stories, sir?"
The next debate should be Trump on one side and a bunch of really angry women on the other
Maenads. They can end the debate by tearing him limb from limb.
some one should start a cabbage cam. "which one will look better 1 week out of the fridge?"
I would pay for the fun of watching them destroy Trump.