
The Vibes today are Very Bad and if you're out there mansplaining fascism and its ills right now after ignoring our warnings for years, I hope you have an even worse week than my own
Absolutely rancid vibes today. Amazingly worse than the last two days. How?
I think it’s sinking in that this is real and that they don’t have any idea of what to do So they’re lashing out as a way to feel less helpless It’s counterproductive AF but these folks don’t understand collective action
This is my read. I’m surprised I’m not more annoying, TBH, but I am humble enough to recognize “holy shit things are way over my head and we fucking need to leverage collective action and expertise if we want certain things to survive”
Also, I keep thinking that people’s stress personalities are off the scale right now! My belief is that when stressed, one almost has a distinct different personality than when relaxed. Think of people in airports during the holidays versus during other times, for example.
Definitely. That's getting leveraged by bad people also
Well YEAH. That’s why stoking fears and anxiety is part of manufacturing consent, as it was quaintly known.
Ok, so I may know some of this stuff. What the fuck I do now? I can yammer about this stuff to friends, but that’s almost preaching to the choir. How do I proliferate MY knowledge to those not inclined to think about it all?
At this point I'm actually not sure. My best advice is to call your elected officials and ask them about their contingency plans