brushy kb

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brushy kb

*crawls around* *crawls around* *crawls around* *crawls around*
drawings and also not drawings
contact: brushysemail@gmail
Reposted byAvatar brushy kb
LMFAO okay this def brightened up my night x’D 💜💜💜💜💜 Thx
i will be closing these up tonight i think :) feel free to get last requests in
Reposted byAvatar brushy kb
you legally have to have a fursona by september or the government will assign you one and it will suck ass
Reposted byAvatar brushy kb
draw fanart to increase social media engagement! wait no not like that no stop
been reading Name of The Rose and decided Adso is comedic relief animal sidekick
i will be closing these up tonight i think :) feel free to get last requests in
I am open for commissions! yay all kinds of traditional, including tarot and shirt lefties pricing + gallery + ToS here email me at brushysemail@gmail more details in reply
if you live in an area that does not stock limon pepino gatorade anywhere you are in the WRONG AREA
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Reposted byAvatar brushy kb
need you guys to be normal. log off. go outside. grab a bunch of hammers from home depot. find my location. beat me with the hammers
biden spent 60000 years trying to become president and now that he is he is just too excited to smugly do absolutely fuck all. he doesn't know or care what a president does he just wanted to be there
I'll be looking at/answering emails tonight but there is no hard deadline, just whenever I am full up :) might keep these open a couple more days
I am open for commissions! yay all kinds of traditional, including tarot and shirt lefties pricing + gallery + ToS here email me at brushysemail@gmail more details in reply
new USCSB video just dropped fyi
I am open for commissions! yay all kinds of traditional, including tarot and shirt lefties pricing + gallery + ToS here email me at brushysemail@gmail more details in reply
Reposted byAvatar brushy kb
i'm going to open for a few traditional commissions (including tarot cards and shirt lefties) on THURSDAY :) yipppeeeeeeee you can check out my pricing and gallery here if you're interested
Reposted byAvatar brushy kb
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
Reposted byAvatar brushy kb
i'm going to open for a few traditional commissions (including tarot cards and shirt lefties) on THURSDAY :) yipppeeeeeeee you can check out my pricing and gallery here if you're interested
frog update in his new fancy home :) he is so tiny
hi so I recently rescued a teeny tiny frog that came in on some flowers at my job. CLEARescue is being kind enough to take him off our hands and find him a permanent home. they run off donations so if you could kick a few bucks their way in my honor I would be very happy ♥️
hi so I recently rescued a teeny tiny frog that came in on some flowers at my job. CLEARescue is being kind enough to take him off our hands and find him a permanent home. they run off donations so if you could kick a few bucks their way in my honor I would be very happy ♥️
Reposted byAvatar brushy kb
Seattle residents! Contact your City Council people before Tuesday to express support for this legislation. It waives codes that currently make it impossible to convert office spaces to residential ones. This will help with the housing crisis!
Seattle City Council to vote on converting empty office space into The legislation would waive land use code requirements for existing non-residential allowing them to be converted into residential use.
the freak we are fostering. 3/4" of pure, solid baby
logged on to facebook to hit up a local herpetology group to try to find a home for a frog i'm fostering and first thing i saw was a photo of my mother and grandmother doing jello shots. very 2024 facebook moment
I realized that this is probably a result of the sheer amount of explosive human shit I've seen down the front of countless vault toilets in my life. ppl are out there getting violently ill while camping regularly apparently
whenever I'm packing for a trip I'm always like 'better back extra extra underwear and pants. u just never know when ur gonna crap urself!' when I have never in my life crapped myself
*takes a crap in front of your door* this forces the viewer to view my crap
I love when an artists statement or write up abt an art piece says that it "forces the viewer" when like 75% of the time its not forcing shit and is still obfuscated by the fact of being art. it's like one of the things fine art ppl love to say every chance they get
just went camping for three nights and every night I was repeatedly awoken by a shrew burrowing underneath my body. kept thinking why tf is it doing that. put my tent away today and found out that it had been nesting (no babies thank god) directly under me