
The only people who've ever held Trump meaningfully accountable over the last nine years have been ordinary Americans and they've spent that entire time being lectured to and berated by elites who've failed to do anything.
is it a wealth thing? being a former president? something else? I don't understand why they protect this ghoul over and over
It's both. My theory is that no president is ever going to go to prison for any reason, simply because the justice system is largely an illusion that's only real for us commoners, and punishing a former president sets a bad precedent by making the iillusion real.
I think this is also why they’re so quick to dismiss UBI pilots and killed covid aids asap They can’t have us seeing that a better world is, in fact, possible and not just lefty dreams They want us assuming that the status quo is the natural order of the universe and can’t be changed
the bullshit about how trump couldn't be investigated or indicted for any of the various criminal stuff he was doing was laundered via trump DOJ leaks to the new york times and the washington post in early 2018 they worked together to mainstream this idea that trump couldn't be held accountable
If there's one thing ALL the extremely wealthy and powerful would like to avoid it is the precedent of people like themselves having to answer for anything, ever. The Democrats in charge are just as averse to this eventuality as Republicans. Most importantly, so are the oligarchs who own them both.
The media fucking loves him. They have been basically an arm of his campaign in this election cycle. His political success has exposed deep rot within almost all of our major political institutions, but the Establishment Media most of all.
it's class-interest. He's "an elite" and they are "elites", so holding him to account would establish a precedent of "holding elites to account" which might impact THEM someday.
The "institutionalists" don't want to reckon with the fact that about a third of the country would rather burn the whole country down than work across identity categories to improve lives, including their own.
The stupid rich support Convict Drump because they only see tax cuts. The MAGAhats support SingSing Don because he’s a facist. Both groups have no idea how much danger they are in if Don Criminal gets a second term.
it's one big club and we aren't in it
It's because a ton of people who already have wealth and power would have a lot more wealth and power if he were not held accountable, so they're throwing in with him and hoping for his success
He's on their team. That's all that matters.
Don’t forget cowardice