
If you don't have emotional scars from usenet or dial-in BBSs, you really don't want to be calling anyone a Johnny come lately.
Lot of Johnny come latelies making rule 34 jokes today. If you weren’t scarred by seeing something horrific on 4chan in the 2000s I don’t want to hear it. Stolen valor
The 2000s? FFS, these kids nowadays 2400 baud dialups and hosting single-line BBSes back in the 90s here, and shit was *dif'rent* back then. You never new what you were gonna find surfing some rando's homepage (Mine was one of them!) I miss LoRD & Trade Wars even today, frankly
2400? Pfft, you kids had it so easy. I had to dial in to the local BBS at 300 baud, only to have the owner's buddy cheat at TradeWars and blow up all my fighters. 🧐 *Qui-Gon voice* There's always an older nerd.
Yep. I didn't get started on them until...I wanna say 1992ish I was on PC games and learning how x86s machines even functioned in the late 80s - a Tandy 1000 series 286 from....I think 1986ish? Ye gods we're gettin' old. Hardware sure was a lot easier & hardier back then though, wa'ant it
It was a TRS-80 for me, back in 1980. Then an IBM PCjr, if you can believe it. When I eventually got two floppy drives in the same computer, I thought I'd died and ascended to some better, geekier realm of existence. 😅
Nice, the original trash 80! I didn't get to one of those until the 486s were out, and the 80 was already a throwback course in old DOS programming & troubleshooting I *did* take the time to learn DOS 3.3 on a Compaq luggable 386! I was working overnights at a paper mill & that was my down time!