
Exciting news: We’re taking another step to making Bluesky an open network for public conversations. Around the end of this month, we’ll release a public web interface. With this, you’ll be able to view posts on Bluesky without being logged in on an account.
Bluesky’s public web interface, coming in a couple weeks, will make posts much more accessible, which will be especially useful for real-time commentary and breaking news.
As a reminder, Bluesky is a public social network, so your posts, likes, etc. have always been publicly accessible through the API. We designed Bluesky with the openness of the internet in mind. You can think of your profile as a blog on the internet. For more on data privacy, read our user FAQ:
Bluesky User Welcome to the Bluesky beta app! This is a user guide that answers some common questions.
Please, please introduce the ability to set Bluesky accounts to "private"! Don't make me leave yet another social network because of stalking concerns 😭😫
It's planned, but it will likely take months because they have other priorities right now
Well then I guess I have other priorities than using this app??
💯 Privacy should always be the default. If you’re going to make something public over night, you should also allow people to consent to that—or not. Here that means allowing folks to make their accounts private. That shouldn’t be a backlog item but a required/high priority feature for going public.
That's how it probably should be lol.
Mastodon has private accounts, is quite privacy focused in general and will never introduce ads unlike this place that has no guarantees of that FWIW.
Yes???? Nobody is forcing you to use Bluesky????? Leave if you want to then???????????????????????????? lol
Every single one of your Bluesky posts is and has been public to everyone, including people you have blocked. They are probably all archived somewhere even if you delete them now. If that doesn't work for you, there are many other options: Telegram, Signal, etc.
Obvious point but: that's completely the wrong way around. Allow privacy first, make bluesky public second.
Well, they did make it private first. Making it public sounds pretty easy while adding private controls and dms etc sounds like adding a whole new wing.
Then, they should delay this until "private" is avaible.
Hype my dude. Cant play keep away with the public away for too long or they simply wont care anymore....
well then this should not be happening first eh. like, very obviously?
If they don't change this priority ordering they/we are likely to lose some excellent participation. Sucks.
It's probably inevitable. They really should make the roadmap more prominent because some features really have to be developed in a certain order
I don't remember them saying that. Is that even possible?
In the current architecture no, they're planning to add private account repositories but they wanted federation to be ready first so that they then could design them to work well with federation.
isn't this platform fully open source???? the feature would come faster with the help of developers.
The code is open but the team still develops most stuff in-house. They're focusing on building out the protocol in a way that can be maintained in the long term so features like this take time. (probably should've waited to invite this many people before it's done, though)
Why don't you take donations so you can invest in the sinfrastructure to open membership and allow more users from that other place to come here? Why don't you take donations so you can develop private accounts faster? Why must this be limited to such a small budget?
(I'm not on the staff) Their funding is not the limit, they have the funding they need for the near future, the limits are rather in manpower (not enough developers to do it all at once) and it's not easy to get newly hired developers up to speed quickly on projects like this.
100% this. Safety over the idealistic pursuit of "openness" every time.
I'm sure you've read this by now but Bluesky has from the start been a completely public app for anyone who wants to see posts. If you need private, which is totally understandable and valid, I wouldn't hold your breath with Bluesky. That's not a focus.
I never had a problem with my posts on Twitter/X being public. I never made my account private. That said, DMs are nice. Not sure if that means making Bluesky "private".
But you're not a woman with zillions of entitled perverts DMing you every day.
I've known enough women on Twitter to know their experience is vastly different than mine as a guy. So I get it. But also if you want an experience that's essentially opt-in the people you want, that would be a great thing to offer.
this.. this and the lack of dms is really stunting the platform. dms and private accounts are a basic function of any social media
if you think that's "private", you're actually delulu. it may be 'limiting follows' but it's not "private" by any means. just public with extra steps. if anything this very simple 'everything you do publicly is - surprise - public' stance is great, bc it doesn't make ppl misunderstand own "privacy"
then why did you create an account on this public plattform if you want to be private?
Well, it's a public social But hang in and follow the main Bsky account. There are some interesting ways you will be able to control things coming out as I understand. It'll be up to you to be your own gatekeeper so to speak for one.
Posts on BlueSky are already publicly visible through the API with tools like this... So not that much is changing Share BlueSky posts and threads externally