Kyla Houbolt

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Kyla Houbolt

I write poems and occasional reviews, and I garden.
Milestone: This afternoon Buddy had to chase the first buzzard away from his kill.
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Hello. I’m in need of $45 for needed car maintenance. I also need about another $120 on top of that to get through the coming week. The car maintenance is first, however. I’d be grateful for any help. Thanks very much.
Pay Matthew Stefon using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
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In other words, what would actually be different in our day to day life, absent this problem? There is always the possibility that we can advance our lives towards meeting our goals, without having the power to fix all the problems getting in our way. That’s the basic tenet of time-limited therapy
I don't recall who it was recommended the British tv show The Repair Shop, but I fear I have become an addict. Love these shows and they're all on YouTube. Why is British television so much better than the US version, I wonder from time to time.
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Continuing story of Buddy the semi-untrained guard dog. This morning the neighbor's dog got out of her yard and Buddy followed him back to their gate and was investigating their front door! I hauled him back via collar. Won't come when called, only when hauled. Now sleeping peaceful by the trailer.
Here is my little container garden: a big grow bag (maybe 20 gal.) with dillweed, basil starts, and some calendula showing. Also around the other side are zinnia starts. Not yet sprouted pots of parsley, rose balsam, and licorice mint also show at the top. Plus my scarf serving as shade cloth! 🌱
Just opening: wild carrot bloom, also called Queen Anne's lace.
Sleepy bee. These just bloomed in the area where I've been clearing out blackberry vines. Some kind of primrose, I think. 🌱🌿
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Quality journal. Send 'em your good stuff.
Loving the Deep Summer poems y’all are sending 😌💗💦
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hurt my back yesterday and now I feel like this snippet by Paul Zweig
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Sunday morning #coffee and #poetry ritual (Saturday edition) with The imagination behind these metaphors are as brilliant as they are achingly beautiful.
Rough morning. After horrible fireworks late, early today the untrained livestock guard dog got out (How? No idea), chased down a fawn and, after several hours managed to kill it. During this I managed to get him back in the pasture, once, but he managed to get out immediately. Fam is away. Pfft.
Second. 5:31. Louder. I wonder how the horses handle this.
5:14 pm. First boom of the evening.
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Dear friends & readers, this very special 4th of July 💥surprise💥 appeared today. GRATIAS, Contubernales ! p.s. : prospective reviewers : if you would like to write a review of THE GREEN RADIUS in advance of release, please contact me or the press directly.
Green Radius | Henry Gould’s remarkable Green Radius is not quite like anything else. This huge, slowly-rolling poem of the Mississippi draws us in the course of its 132 individual pieces (plus coda and preface) ...
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I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
5:14 pm. First boom of the evening.
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I hope you find yourself free of something you prefer not to deal with today.
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Good morning, from silent fireworks and the imagined sound of clear bells.
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I find myself hoping for mad things again for so long I've tried not to get sucked in but the wave's so big and gathering, gathering
I just got my first pair of overalls. I plan to get more. I may wear little else for a while. It's so great to have nothing binding anywhere at all. Plus, whoa, what great pockets! We'll see how they do in the coming heat wave....
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Didn’t make it today. Won’t get it done before Friday at least with the holiday. Still, thanks to all who’ve helped. I still do need the $45, so if you can help and will, I’ll be grateful.
Good morning—I need to make $45 today, hopefully before noon, so I can get an important act of car maintenance done before the holiday (and not having to punt it to next week). If you can help, I’d be grateful. My Venmo is @Matt-Stefon and my PayPal is Thanks so much.
Pay Matthew Stefon using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
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idealism is a dick to progress. ive seen so many progressives fall by the wayside because of small discrepancies in philosophy... like, please, dont dunk on someone because they refuse to spell africa with a 'k'... aint none of us "revolutionaries" free... and we aint got time for that shit.
Reposted byAvatar Kyla Houbolt
Good morning—I need to make $45 today, hopefully before noon, so I can get an important act of car maintenance done before the holiday (and not having to punt it to next week). If you can help, I’d be grateful. My Venmo is @Matt-Stefon and my PayPal is Thanks so much.
Pay Matthew Stefon using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
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Let there be treaties, bridges, Chords under the hands, to be spanned Sustained: extremity hates a given good Or a good gained. That girl who took Her life almost, then wrote a book To exorcise and to exhibit the sin, [...]
Against Extremity by Charles Tomlinson | Poetry August 1968 | Robert Creeley, Charles Tomlinson, Louis Zukofsky, Gerald Barrax, Laurence Lieberman, Ernest Sandeen, Robert Sward, Roy Teele