
Americans making $750.00 an hour have convinced those making $25 an hour that our brothers and sisters making $9.25 an hour are the problem.
I believe Reagan started the movement of hating on the welfare mom. Corporate welfare is fine, but a parent working a full time job, yet still qualifing for welfare is the scourge of society
Reagan & his team literally invented the term & the concept of "Welfare Queens".
Well they should've thought about that before becoming peasants. (Was Yzma just Ronald Reagan?)
My life sucks, if you could even call it that, because nothing is open 24 hours anymore. Third shifters deserve yummy borgars too, ya know!
Been there, can relate. But at least a kebab place was closing just after I was comming back. Having kebab during sunrise was quite something I actually miss.
If the issue is a lack of resources (as in there's not enough money etc) then we should be mad at those hoarding the resources and not the ones needing them. Needs will always exist. Hoards should not.
I’ve been saying this on xitter for years. Money is a social construct; currency can have any value or take any shape you want it to. The bitcoin bros couldn’t drum up faith in their invention which is why it fluctuated so wildly. Coins, shells, papers, bits—it’s worth what we decide it’s worth.
No, Cyrpto is not created through any organized State that has the resources to enforce Taxation of it, it is just another commodity. Shells and Paper are only valid currencies if you can pay your Taxes in them. The concept of Money grows out of the State, not Barter.
MMT: What Is Money And What Gives It Value? What gives fiat money its value? Professor L. Randall Wray explains the Modern Money Theory view that "taxes drive money." If the issuing authority is able t...
My parents need to see this. They believe people on benefits are "abusing the system." Maybe they should stop and think that maybe the person on benefits can't work for various reasons
I mean, some really are abusing the system by choice. Some. Vast minority. But for many a single black sheep somehow represents entire herd. I'll never get it.
I’ve met people like that - it’s really gross, to be honest. Driving luxury cars, living in nice houses, and doing jack shit because they know how to manipulate the system. It doesn’t mean welfare should be done away with, but I can understand why people would see that and resent those people tbh
Even simpler case: class mate at uni was living on few welfare programs and not working so he can milk them all. Plus he did not hesitate to go on social stipend at uni, even said he uses that to buy better computers and such. Those in real need couldn't get any of these, as work disqualified them.
This was my favorite episode
then Criag looks into the camera like he's on the office
Rich people should pay more taxes. That's what she said!
I adore my dad, but he—who collects social security and uses VA health care—is always railing against freeloaders living off of government handouts. It’s like, “Uh… Dad? Hello?”
Is he one of those that also goes around asking for military discounts? That one bothers me for some reason. Also, there's veterans out there that have heavily abused the system without actually serving anyone 😔
And yes, he served. I don’t begrudge him anything he’s getting, and he’d honestly give anyone he knew the shirt off his back— no questions asked. I just wish he’d recognize the irony when he says this.
No, he never asks but he’s happy to use them if they’re offered. 🤣
And honestly that's fine. I don't question when they do say they were a veteran and served. Not questioning the validity of it, but like you said, it's hypocritical to question or berate someone else. Like you said "um hellooo" 🤣
THAT fits in nicely with my post this morning!
Today is my Age Pension day. I'm sharing these numbers to give those not yet there an appreciation of how little it really is in today's economy. I receive $1,281.50 (per fortnight) I've already paid out $746.19: Rent $450 Electricity $69.54 (mthly) Gas $63.21 (bi-mthly) Groceries $163.44 (1/2)
Holy balls where do I sign up for $70 mo electric and gas bills?! We're lucky if our electricity alone is under 500 😭
I'm single, live in a small apartment, never turn the TV on, have a small fridge (they eat electricity), no washing machine or drier. Of that bill, $36 was supply charge. I used a lot of air con this bill month. Otherwise, move to Australia, I suppose.
I can remember when a TV was a washing machine-sized contraption you could rest books and tchotchkes on, and took a good two minutes to warm up.
Oh, those big square things! Yes, small screen, but a lot of bulk!
Small space, I get it. Big farm houses with central air that doesn't belong sucks a LOT of electricity, unfortunately. 😔
Heating uses more energy than cooling, I read recently, but that can depend on the ambient temps of the location. When you say "doesn't belong", can you replace it with a more appropriate system?
It was an "upgrade". My grandpa always used the old coal burning furnace, but you know, that's bad. So he installed a central air unit and propane in the late 90s. Bonus air conditioning, but yeah. Lots of drawbacks and energy consumption. 😕
I am stealing this meme and you can't stop me.
As someone on disability welfare in the Netherlands... Not a lot of people judge but some ignorant people do. Its gross. "Oh you cant function but you're trying your hardest? How about you stop living off my tax euros and get a job." Yeah thanks I didnt feel awful enough yet. Perpetuating much?
What baffles me about the "my taxes" jerks is they are fine with literally any other wasteful spending, especially in the government. 🤨
Tbh 'friend' of mine is a car nut. All for wider roads to help traffic. Which is PROVEN not to work. Complains so much about fuel prizes but drives everywhere even short distance. Won't save on electricity either by turning off lights he don't use. But sure its my fault for existing.
Before the Trump tax cuts, but sometime after the Bush tax cuts, a study found that, for every $1 spent on social services for the working class, $2 was given just to the top 1%. George Carlin said it: "The poor are there...just to scare the s--- out of the middle class!" They are not the enemy.
In fact, that account doesn’t exist. As former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke once noted, when the government pays for things, it is “not taxpayer money. We simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account.”
The Government Can Afford Anything It The idea that programs must be funded by tax dollars is a myth. Stephanie Kelton’s new book explains how money really works.
I recently picked up The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton. Its entire premise is that we’ve been conditioned to believe that funding for social programs is dwindling and we need to fund it at someone’s expense, when in reality, like you quoted, it’s just changing a number on a computer.
The Chairman of the Federal Reserve noted and every one since Greenspan has. Even Jerome Powell in a CBS interview in 2021 did.
Being disabled and with a disabled partner both unable to work feeling like everyone hates you just for existing really fucking hurts
CORRECT! The rich LOVE to scapegoat as typical narcissists do.
Helping those in need is good actually and we could do a lot more of it with higher tax rates on rich people