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When Trump is rounding up people with impunity and the imprimatur of the nation’s highest court at least folks will be able to take comfort in the fact the slightly older guy is no longer president.
I would bet big money Don Jr has filled out the same gun purchase form with the same lie about not doing drugs. Big big money.
Good lord. What pathetic reaction from Senate Ds to Alito blockbuster about paling around (or in this case sleeping) w/ insurrectionists. h/t @owillis.bsky.social AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS? WHERE ARE THE CALLS FOR RESIGNATION & IMPEACHMENT FOR ALTIO & THOMAS FROM DEMS? YES, I AM SHOUTING TODAY.
I just finished reading this book about Hitler's rise to power and how it was aided by a number of establishment right-wing figures in Germany who were playing cynical games and should've known better. Eerie parallels to the US today. Highly recommended.
The Forgotten History of Hitler’s Establishment Enablerswww.newyorker.com The Nazi leader didn’t seize power; he was given it.
We should step back a moment and wonder at the spectacle of a former president sitting at the defense table in a criminal trial as stocks in the media company he named after himself (DJT) collapse. This is some wild shit and deserves acknowledgement.
What an absolutely awful headline. What is the "about face"? In his statement, he brags about overturning Roe and endorses state restrictions on abortion. He didn't explicitly endorse a federal ban in this speech, but he clearly would sign it if Congress passes one. www.nytimes.com/2024/04/10/p...
Trump’s About-Face on Abortionwww.nytimes.com After months of mixed signals, the former president said abortion rights should be left to the states.
Democrats shouldn't bail them out by agreeing to the very short 15-week ban. Their radicalism brought us this moment, and there's no need to compromise with them to get back to their slightly less awful benchmark. Use the leverage.
Far right AZ figures Kari Lake and TJ Shope quickly condemn the Arizona Supreme Court decision, suggesting there may be a legislative path to repealing the old law
Nothing would own the libs more than this
I grew up on the Gulf Coast in FL and TX. I lived through more hurricanes, tropical storms, floods and tornadoes than I can even remember. I honestly can’t remember a time before about 15 yrs ago when there was ever any hesitation about disaster relief for fellow Americans. Ever. Fuck these people
House Freedom Caucus lays out demands for considering Baltimore bridge fundingthehill.com The House Freedom Caucus is issuing a series of conditions for considering funding to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, as Congress awaits a supplemental request from the Biden adm…
Earthquake. Eclipse. The antichrist running for president. Check.
guys like david simon are whining about getting their blue checks back, but if they had any coherent sense they wouldn't be still using the platform in the first place it's a right wing propaganda mill now, and using it both funds it and lends it your credibility
Famous X Users Fuming That Their Free Blue Checks Are Backwww.thedailybeast.com “Such ingrates,” Elon Musk grumbled.
the captain of the Titanic would like you to know that you can all have your blue checks back
Finally saw a Cybertruck and brother there’s no way around it, it’s a very ugly car for morons
Florida’s Supreme Court just threw a major wrench into the election, and Democrats are fired up. Rulings yesterday put the whole state into play over the question of abortion, threatening the GOP’s path to a senate majority and even the White House. open.substack.com/pub/statusku...
Florida Just Upended The Electionopen.substack.com Three rulings from Florida’s State Supreme Court could have significant impact on voter enthusiasm and turnout in November.
Truth Social has the same revenue as a (1) moderately successful McDonald's franchise, and it's valued at $6 billion somehow.
I don't know how to express how *this* is the economy we all care about. We don't care that corporate profits are up or whatever the stock market is doing. We care that food is becoming more and more unaffordable.
When you can't afford food and housing, you're not going to think that the economy is doing well. This is what happens when you have a neoliberal government that allows corporations to incessantly exploit the population, using the "free market" as an excuse not to intervene.
Americans are spending the biggest share of their income on food in 3 decadeswww.cbsnews.com The high cost of food both at home and in restaurants continues to be a sore spot for millions of U.S. households.
Parents must be informed by the school if their child identifies as transgender, but parents cannot ask the school to identify their children as they wish. Kids can’t discuss periods until middle school, but if they get pregnant at any age, they must carry a baby to term or into mortal danger. /2
How to make sense of these contradictions? High school seniors shouldn't read Toni Morrison without parental permission, but eighth graders can work in restaurant kitchens or meatpacking plants without it. /1
America is divided over major efforts to rewrite child labor lawswww.washingtonpost.com States are leading the largest effort in years to change the patchwork of laws that regulate child labor, with major implications for the labor market.
Pro Tip for Travelers: That seat in front of you that you’re yanking back every time you get up? There’s probably another human being sitting in it! Honest!
SENATE GOP MEETING: "Before we discuss raising taxes on the poor & middle class, adding $1 trillion to the deficit, taking health insurance away from 13 million, raising premiums by 10%, defending treason and swearing in a pedophile, let's begin with a prayer." ~Jack Ziegler, TNY
“Florida has dropped over 460,000 children from its state Medicaid program” Remember when @CaseyDeSantis said “@GovRonDeSantis proved he will always stand up to protect children, even if he has to stand alone.” Yeah. Really. cbs12.com/amp/news/loc...
Thousands of children will lose Medicaid coverage on Easter Sundaycbs12.com
Enjoying his day off!
Ahem! World's first sailboat.⛵️