
A serious attempt by legislators or a candidate to invalidate a plainly valid election to install someone who plainly lost the election as president is not a "legal hack" or "finalizing results". It is treason. It is a treason against the United States and its citizens. We shouldn't dance around it.
The founders would have understood it as treason, and would resort to war against someone who attempted it, and punish it with hanging. Other countries would prosecute it as treason. That is what it is. Folks should be clear eyed on it.
To be fair, we did have a massive war in this country to deal with treason on a colossal scale. We punished it with…political rehabilitation and a bunch of statues, and engaged in a unifying project of murderous imperial expansion. Not a great precedent!
I mean, we also killed 258,000 confederates. Tho yes, the attempt to rehabilitate it in the years since should have been stamped out of existence, and everyone is paying the price for not doing that even now
Reconstruction should have lasted 100 years.