
For me it’s not that I’m either ok or not ok with Biden as a candidate it’s that my brain cannot rationalize that the media has so uniformly freaked out about him while remaining comparatively serene about all the other far worse stuff in the past two weeks.
But they don't seem to be even trying for the far more clicks that would be generated by sleazy sex coverage -- people are reliably more interested in that, than an old guy's troubles. They really are deliberately obscuring negative stories for Trump.
That's true, although that might be a conscious decision not to distract from the current mining operation. 2016 election was great for business, and they haven't really done much reflection on the shitty side effects of that.
It feels like they're chasing the high of being in the center of 2016's political drama. "What a constant flow of adrenalin, and we were writing history as it happened! And best of all, the fallout of putting Trump in office generates more content and never, never hurts us."