
For me it’s not that I’m either ok or not ok with Biden as a candidate it’s that my brain cannot rationalize that the media has so uniformly freaked out about him while remaining comparatively serene about all the other far worse stuff in the past two weeks.
I guess the thing is that I’d trust news sources that would go “PRESIDENT ARE NOW LEGALLY ABLE TO DO CRIME!!!! and also Biden is old and doddering”, but not “BIDEN IS OLD AND DODDERING!!!! and also Presidents can now legally do crime”
Anyways I absolutely have zero faith that the media as a collective entity has any interest in preventing any sort of authoritarian or fascist takeover of America and if Trump doesn’t do it they’ll be just as compliant when the next person tries and the next person knows it
Not sure this would be true if the would-be dictator was a Democrat, but lbr it won’t be
Presidents are now allowed to do crimes! (In the US, instead of just international crimes in every country but the US.)
Politico “The supreme court handed trump a big win” Subtext : TRUMP IS AN UNSTOPPABLE WINNER Fucking vomiting blood levels of disgust
I think the criticism of the media as the driver of this phenomenon is missing the role of the Democratic Party's elected officials, big donors, and operatives. They're not (mostly) freaking out because the media is freaking out. I had people live texting me during the debate.
Same, and I’m not involved in politics, just very vocal about them. I got texts from people I don’t regularly speak to saying we’re fucked
I would think "candidate who was found civilly liable for sexual assault was credibly accused of child rape in grand jury testimony" would be front and center
1000% It reminds me of analysis from someone or another that said the media sees Democrats as protagonists to be pushed, pulled, tested and challenged. Republicans are the weather.
it's really simple: they don't think that other stuff is worse
They’ve done it before. Who’s behind it?
It’s been a week, SCOTUS declared Trump a king above the law, Trump promised military tribunals for his enemies, and then appeared on more Epstein flight logs. And the main story is still “Biden had a bad debate so he should drop out now?”
Begging people to question media narratives about elections. What is reported, how it’s reported and what is amplified is not developed in some kind of holy and clean bubble outside of politics. We should be questioning the purpose of narratives *especially* when it confirms our fears and suspicions
I'm torn between media corruption and journalists realizing that it's a waste of energy to try to tell MAGA people Trump is bad.
Laziness. Biden's an easier story than Chevron or immunity for official acts, which both require several paragraphs of explaining. With Biden all they need is a video clip.
But they don't seem to be even trying for the far more clicks that would be generated by sleazy sex coverage -- people are reliably more interested in that, than an old guy's troubles. They really are deliberately obscuring negative stories for Trump.
That's true, although that might be a conscious decision not to distract from the current mining operation. 2016 election was great for business, and they haven't really done much reflection on the shitty side effects of that.
It feels like they're chasing the high of being in the center of 2016's political drama. "What a constant flow of adrenalin, and we were writing history as it happened! And best of all, the fallout of putting Trump in office generates more content and never, never hurts us."
It’s insane isn’t it? The Supreme Court just threw out democracy to the wind, but all they want to talk about is Biden’s debate performance.
yeah this week was really the last straw for “msm” for me. nyt, wapo, npr, pri, wsj, everywhere! failed the test in just a one week span.
this is the reason i bully the NYT
The media 'freakout' is fabricated and misinformation. I saw MSNBC post stuff about Biden as news about his future as President and after fact-checking it some of it was straight up lies to make him look bad. They are 100% devoted to getting Trump elected and doing propaganda campaigns right now.
Sulzberger & Kahn and the Times's patented "independent journamalism." The rest follow their lead.
i just can't get over hearing that Biden must go from the same folks who loudly berated anyone who questioned Biden's viability in 2020... what happened to vote blue no matter who? oh, that was just bullshit all along? who would have guessed!?
It’s a perfect illustration of the “politics as team sports” mindset they’ve manufactured for decades/centuries