
I used to really care about the Supreme Court as an institution. Someone gave me SCOTUS water glasses as a wedding present. I'm that girl. I don't respect the court anymore. The conservatives are hacks. Roberts et al. deserve to be mocked, booed, & ostracized for the rest of their miserable lives.
Roberts is not the worst member of the court, but he's a bad judge and it's always worth remembering that. He's the guy who wrote Shelby County. On any reasonable court, he'd be the conservative crank writing dissents.
I realize they don't care what I think, but the fact that they've lost people like me should scare them. This is your friendly neighborhood institutionalist saying: The question is not whether their decisions are legitimate, but how best to work around them.
Right there with you. I maintained some reverence for the court and appreciation of the non-political aspects of their work for longer than some others did. I once felt that people who reduced all their work to party-line votes were missing a lot of nuance. No longer!
In 2045, one of the ways we'll pass the time as we huddle around our fires and share whatever animals we've been able to hunt down is by each saying which decision was the one that finally removed the scales from our eyes
Thirded. I defended the institution far too many times in the past. Now I literally give the building the middle finger every time I pass by it
Same. I'm an atty. who became a teacher. My entire civics curriculum is built around "the system." (I still make sure to get healthy does of reality in there.) I have always believed in it, especially the Judicial branch. I don't know how I am going to teach after this.
I really feel you on this.
In a case of perhaps too-on-the-nose symbolism, those glasses have been through the dishwasher so many times that the logo has faded to the point they just look like normal glasses now.
l hope someday l get the chance to toss a $20 in alito's lap with a "keep up the good work champ"
How’s the legacy looking, George W? (Roberts and Alito — and dad nominated Thomas)
Oh yeah, the Bushes have a lot to answer for here