Calvin Lai

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Calvin Lai

Social psychologist & professor at Rutgers University.
Studying how to reduce prejudice and discrimination.
Opinions are my own. he/him
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I made a Bluesky "starter pack" for political psychology. Suggests 50 people to follow and 3 feeds
political psych starter Join the conversation
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As the author of something that once made people lose their minds, I am telling you that I was talking about exactly this. I was correct then and I am correct now and I am terribly sorry about that
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🚨New expert survey data from Bright Line Watch🚨 93% of experts surveyed before the ruling (starting June 20) say that SCOTUS upholding Trump’s immunity claim threatens democracy 60% say it represents an extraordinary threat 27% say it represents a serious threat (Full report coming next week.)
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New paper from the lab! w/ & Mina Cikara We show that merely viewing a prejudiced person’s intergroup behavior induces bias in observers—a novel learning mechanism for prejudice formation and propagation
🌟New paper! Grace Drake, Jenn Beatty, & I argue that diversity training (DT) is best understood as teaching. Seeing DT as just teaching illuminates many ways we could make trainings so much more effective than they are currently! Link: 1/6
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Check out this Cambridge Element! Margit Tavits and I do not find evidence that exposing people to normalized counter-stereotypical information about gender roles increases the equitability of attitudes about gender and LGBTQ rights. Open-access until April 5.
Counter-Stereotypes and Attitudes Toward Gender and LGBTQ Cambridge Core - Politics: General Interest - Counter-Stereotypes and Attitudes Toward Gender and LGBTQ Equality
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I’m so excited to share that I’ll be starting in Fall 2024 as an Assistant Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh! I’ve been a long-time admirer of this department, so I couldn’t be happier to be joining it!
I'm thrilled to announce my next chapter. 🎉 I'm returning home to my undergrad alma mater Rutgers University as an Associate Professor of Psychology & Criminal Justice this Fall! #Rutgers
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I had such a great visit to Wash U in St Louis speaking in their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion talk series! A beautiful campus and a bonus to get to hang with!! Thanks for the invitation! #psychscisky
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We tested 10 behavioral interventions to mitigate #climatechange in 63 countries (N = 59,440) The interventions’ effectiveness was small, largely limited to non-climate skeptics, and differed across outcomes. Our paper is in Science Advances :
Lab alum Kimi Saadatian presenting on our work examining the racial ideologies of over 20k law enforcement professionals. She finds that law enforcement were MUCH more prejudiced than the general population across 19 prejudice measures (mean d = .79). #SPSP2024
Jenn Beatty presenting our new theory of bias regulation that shows how people regulate their intergroup biases across TIME and SOCIAL CONTEXT! #SPSP2024
BIRGing for Diversity Science Lab member Messi Lee winning SPSP's Outstanding Research Award for his rigorous and transparent work on outgroup homogeneity-like effects in ChatGPT!! (Photo via Grace Drake)
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🚨Join us for a workshop on how to run megastudies at #SPSP2024 🚨 Jan Voelkel and I will share our experiences and recommendations for conducting crowdsourced megastudies. Please sign up 👇:
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Interested in intergroup contact? Attending SPSP? Check out our symposium! With the amazing Zi Ting You, Trish Dehrone, and Marie Isabelle Weißflog! According to Whova, it'll be a highly-attended session! You don't want to miss out!
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Getting excited about #spsp2024! Here's where my lab will be - hope to see you there! (Thanks to Calvin Lai for the inspiration for this layout)
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*NEW PAPER ALERT!* In a new paper at OBHDP, my coauthors (Desman Wilson & Adam Waytz) and I find evidence that potential allies do not think their allyship will be appreciated as much as it actually is. Read our paper here:
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🚨 🚨 My first first-author paper with Louis Irving and Kate Ratliff is officially published online in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 🚨 🚨 “Defensiveness Toward IAT Feedback Predicts Willingness to Engage in Anti-Bias Behaviors”
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SPSP2024 approaches! Come check out recent work by The Belief System Lab ( & We got affect polarization, we got democracy, we got personality, and we got threat! All interesting and definitely not-controversial topics!
💥Come check out our lab's action-packed line-up at #SPSP2024 this week!!! 💥2 talks, 4 posters, 1 early-career award, and a panel with yours truly about how to get that foundation grant $$$!
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I’m a fan of trying to quantify how often reviewers & editors check authors’ preregistrations (eg, by, but also we should not forget that reviewers fail to check for deviations from a priori plans in 100% of unpreregistered studies. Because they can’t.
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New article in Nature Human Behavior co-led by Aaron Nichols! In a Registered Report, we ran a field study to test whether images of organizational diversity impact the quality and quantity of applicants from majority and minority groups.
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Please donate to my fundraiser, the Palestine Children Relief's Fund. Regardless of your side, I hope you can agree that innocent children should not suffer for the acts of adults. I'm hoping for $10,000, but any amount you can donate will certainly help.
Fade Eadeh's Fundraising Page
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What kind of disparities motivate change? Learning about health disparities between Black and White Americans increased support for action and more ad clicks on social media, more than learning about disparities in economics or belonging - Riana Brown #SESP #psychology #socialpsyc
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Hey SPSPers, Kate Ratliff and I are excited to co-organize the Social Cognition Preconference for #SPSP2024! We have an amazing list of speakers: Jimmy Calanchini, Jennifer Kubota, Brian Lucas, Tal Moran, Jordan Starck, Sabrina Thai, and Keith Maddox (keynote)!! Hope to see you there!
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Got a new working paper w/ & tl;dr influxes of Black people during the Great Migration led Northern towns & cities to remove directly elected mayors & replace them w/ appointed city managers design: shift-share IV paper:
End of feed.