Brad Weldon

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Brad Weldon

Gardener, movie lover, privacy lawyer, likes food, wine, and baseball. 🇨🇦 Canadian. YIMBY. A settler on W̱sáneć territory. 🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈
According to the IMF’s 2024 Fiscal Monitor, Our all-government deficit (combined budgets of federal/provincial/local governments) is lowest in the G7. Low in relative and in absolute terms. On taxes and spending, we are middle-of-the-road. We tax and spend less than the EU but more than USA.
Opinion: Pierre Poilievre is right that many things in Canada are broken. But the budget (mostly) isn’ There’s lots broken all around. What isn’t particularly busted is the country’s fiscal position
Poillievre to the Assembly of First Nations: “I'm not here to run your life. I don't want to run anybody's life, I want to run a small government with big citizens free to make their own decisions and live their own lives.” Google Translate: “Good Luck. You’re on your own.”
Poilievre promises less interference, more economic control in speech to Assembly of First Nations | Conservative leader made remarks during first in-person speech to AFN since becoming leader
I always start Civ VI with commitment to a plan, then someone declares war on me and I throw the rest of the game away as I dedicate myself to grinding them into the ground. When I look up 60 turns later the game is basically over. Well played AI, well played.
The Privacy Commissioner of Canada, along with 25 privacy enforcement authorities find that nearly all websites, apps use ‘deceptive design’ to get user data. The vast majority had complex and confusing privacy policies, made privacy settings hard to find, and nagged users not to delete accounts
News release: Privacy Sweep finds majority of apps and websites use deceptive design to influence privacy choices, including sites targeting children - Office of the Privacy Commissioner of
Being attacked and breached is getting common, and doesn’t necessarily mean Ticketmaster did anything wrong here. They are also a victim. But try can control and be responsible for how they manage the breach, including with timely notification and frank communication with affected individuals.
It also took them over a month to notify us. That’s on the edge of acceptable to regulators, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have let us know earlier. I’ll be complaining to the BC Privacy Commissioner about that and asking for more information.
Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for B.C. | Independent from government, we promote and protect the information & privacy rights of BC residents. We also enforce privacy acts such as FIPPA & PIPA.
Made worse by having access to credit card data. It’s poorly written and could be clearer, “encrypted” CC numbers and expiry dates likely means the attacker only has encrypted card data. This could be unusable by the attacker, or could mean it’s just hashed and you should presume it’s compromised.
I just got the Ticketmaster email about the “data security incident”. I’m in privacy so I understand the need for most of it. But it’s time to retire the line “we take the protection of your personal information very seriously.” They mean they take the monetization of my personal data seriously.
Thank you voters of France for giving us hope 🇫🇷
At first I read that as “Trump’s Director of White”, which does also work with the photo.
“It is very simple: If you’re going to be making environmental claims, you need to be able to demonstrate that they’re true. This applies to anybody making environmental claims, and the only group that’s really freaking out about this is the oil industry.”
Facing New ‘Greenwashing’ Law, an Oil Industry Website Goes Oil sands companies pushing a carbon capture project shut down their website after a law banning misleading environmental claims was passed.
Why can’t websites seem to remember my cookie preferences?Isn’t that the whole point of cookies?! Am I being conspiracy theorist to think they don’t like my choice not to use my my info for marketing and so ask me every time as punishment?
I don’t understand paying a premium for ground Wagyu beef. Isn’t the benefit of Wagyu that the fat is marbled throughout, not that the fat is somehow special in itself. With ground beef you can add fat at will while grinding, so a Wagyu burger is just an expensive burger.
That’s the best thing? I would have thought it might have been the Prime Minister’s Questions, or maybe even the peaceful transition of power. The photo op of a joker in a Halloween costume beside the former Home Secretary would not be high on my list. But that’s just my view from Canada.
Where do I make the feature request to have all content with the word “Trump” not show up in my Apple News+ feed?
Mary Lawlor, the UN special rapporteur on human-rights defenders, said her office has registered 15 cases between 2019 and 2022 of retaliation against human-rights advocates that she alleges can be linked to the activities of Canadian mining abroad. “Canada is one of the worst offenders”.
Canada failing to protect human rights activists from mining companies operating overseas: UN Mary Lawlor, the UN special rapporteur on human-rights defenders, said failure to protect human-rights advocates from retaliation is tarnishing the country’s global reputation
“humans have a ‘size instinct’ that causes us to misjudge numbers that are presented out of context. This is problematic in the polarized environment where the hardening of tribal lines makes us susceptible to motivated reasoning, [the] impulse to use information to support pre-drawn conclusions…”
Carmichael: Dislike the discourse? Stop creating ‘fake facts’ - The We’re all susceptible to motivated reasoning, especially in a charged environment.
What!!? Chinese space startup Space Pioneer accidentally launched its Tianlong-3 rocket during a static fire test. It flew several hundred meters into the sky before crashing explosively into a mountain 1.5 kilometers away from the test site, which is 1km from a small village.
Chinese space firm unintentionally launches its new Space Pioneer had been prepping the vehicle for its debut launch later this summer.
Negotiations started September 7, 2023. Only after WestJet unsuccessfully challenged before the labor board and then in court the members right to unionize. Classic corporate nonsense. They are not the good guys.
Nothing there is a statement from the union saying they won’t strike.
It sounds like your tantrum is because you wish you were in a union.
Ah, I see, you mean this: “Given this, a strike or lockout will not occur," the airline said in a statement, "and the airline will no longer proceed in cancelling flights.” That says “the airline”. They don’t speak for the union.
Do you let other people decide how much you will be paid? I assume no. I don’t think you understand how contracts work.
Who lied? Where did the union say they wouldn’t strike? The minister of labour ordered the parties to binding arbitration, but the order says nothing about strikes. WestJet knew this, but are now acting like victims in the media because it is convenient, and you are falling for it.