Brad Weldon

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Brad Weldon

Gardener, movie lover, privacy lawyer, likes food, wine, and baseball. 🇨🇦 Canadian. YIMBY. A settler on W̱sáneć territory. 🇺🇦 🏳️‍🌈
“It is very simple: If you’re going to be making environmental claims, you need to be able to demonstrate that they’re true. This applies to anybody making environmental claims, and the only group that’s really freaking out about this is the oil industry.”
Facing New ‘Greenwashing’ Law, an Oil Industry Website Goes Oil sands companies pushing a carbon capture project shut down their website after a law banning misleading environmental claims was passed.
Why can’t websites seem to remember my cookie preferences?Isn’t that the whole point of cookies?! Am I being conspiracy theorist to think they don’t like my choice not to use my my info for marketing and so ask me every time as punishment?
I don’t understand paying a premium for ground Wagyu beef. Isn’t the benefit of Wagyu that the fat is marbled throughout, not that the fat is somehow special in itself. With ground beef you can add fat at will while grinding, so a Wagyu burger is just an expensive burger.
Where do I make the feature request to have all content with the word “Trump” not show up in my Apple News+ feed?
Mary Lawlor, the UN special rapporteur on human-rights defenders, said her office has registered 15 cases between 2019 and 2022 of retaliation against human-rights advocates that she alleges can be linked to the activities of Canadian mining abroad. “Canada is one of the worst offenders”.
Canada failing to protect human rights activists from mining companies operating overseas: UN Mary Lawlor, the UN special rapporteur on human-rights defenders, said failure to protect human-rights advocates from retaliation is tarnishing the country’s global reputation
“humans have a ‘size instinct’ that causes us to misjudge numbers that are presented out of context. This is problematic in the polarized environment where the hardening of tribal lines makes us susceptible to motivated reasoning, [the] impulse to use information to support pre-drawn conclusions…”
Carmichael: Dislike the discourse? Stop creating ‘fake facts’ - The We’re all susceptible to motivated reasoning, especially in a charged environment.
What!!? Chinese space startup Space Pioneer accidentally launched its Tianlong-3 rocket during a static fire test. It flew several hundred meters into the sky before crashing explosively into a mountain 1.5 kilometers away from the test site, which is 1km from a small village.
Chinese space firm unintentionally launches its new Space Pioneer had been prepping the vehicle for its debut launch later this summer.
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Homeless people in Denver were given thousands of dollars for free. By the study’s 10-month point, 45% of participants were living in a place they were renting compared with only 8% when the trial began. It’s not rocket science. We can fix economic inequality by giving money to the marginalized.
Opinion: Homeless people in Denver were given thousands of dollars for free. Guess what happened The Denver Basic Income Project has seen impressive results and has already been extended
😂 This is funny. The oil sector says requiring truth in their advertising is creating “uncertainty“. “The Pathways Alliance group of oilsands companies has removed all content from its website and social media feeds, citing uncertainty over a new anti-greenwashing rule poised to become federal law”
Pathways oilsands group removes website content over anti-greenwashing CALGARY — The Pathways Alliance group of oilsands companies has removed all content from its website and social media feeds, citing uncertainty over a new anti-greenwashing rule poised to become feder...
WestJet makes international news. I guess they can’t let Air Canada have all the bad press.
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one of my favorite misogyny tells is responding to a man in the exact same tone & manner as him and getting buzz words in return like: attacked, angry, shaming, hysterical come closer, bro. I’m trying to catch those tears for my collection
Next on the UCP list is to restrict voting rights to those who have cars with gas burning engines. Pinko EV owners can’t be trusted to vote.
Alberta Joins the Battle to Deny the Right to Vote | The Right-wing governments across North America have targeted democracy.
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Listening to Wade Davis on CBC: “We spend twice as much globally on petroleum industry subsidies than we do on education.” !!
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kind of embarrassing not to understand that there is a difference between “things the public is interested in” and “thing that is in the public interest”
Said reporters seem pretty annoyed to be prevented from doing it
“Just to be clear, Civil War is fictional” - Brent Bambury on CBC.
Danielle Smith “punches back” at Trudeau by punching down at Alberta’s towns and cities. I’m sure Trudeau is very disappointed that he now has an excuse to give more money to cities in provinces that actually vote for him. Well played Trudeau, well played.
Bell: Danielle Smith punches back against Justin Trudeau — Alberta Premier Danielle Smith rolls out new law to fight Prime Minister Trudeau doling out cash to cities without her government's approval
The feds pledge $6 billion to the provinces for housing and Ontario and Quebec say ‘take a hike’. BC says we’ll take it all thanks!
B.C. welcomes promises of infrastructure dollars, but will ‘push’ for Ottawa’s announcement of $6 billion comes with strings attached
“These subsidies cost Canadian taxpayers at least $6.03 billion, or roughly $214 per taxpayer every year. And unlike the federal carbon tax, Canadians don’t get a rebate on this tax.”
Fossil fuel subsidies cost Canadians a lot more money than the carbon Never mind the carbon tax. Tax breaks and public spending for fossil fuel companies cost taxpayers billions every year and hurt the environment.
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"No one I spoke to for this piece could name a recent sizable pedestrianization or traffic-reduction scheme that had been reversed once it had been given time to have an effect."
I see “Elon” in a headline and just turn the page. He isn’t worth our time, not even for an eye-roll.
Reposted byAvatar Brad Weldon