Lena G.

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Lena G.


An unconventional MidWest Mama living my best life.
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Also, I've been laughing at people calling him Donald Smollett all. damn. day.
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This is very good news.
Trying to cut the cord between me and Meta. It’s harder than I thought it would be. Also how do I find my real life friends on here?
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If I just bite my nails enough, everything is gonna work out.
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We now regularly hear that even conservative, Trump-appointed judges have ordered states like Alabama and Louisiana to redraw their Congressional maps. What this means is that these courts AGREED these state had engaged in racist gerrymanders to dilute Black votes. Shameful.
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UMN data leak notice. If you were part of the U from 1989-2021 in any capacity (prospective student, student, employee, etc), yeah.... system.umn.edu/data-incident
End of feed.