Luke O'Neil

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Luke O'Neil

A Creature Wanting Form out now:
The daily variations in weather we all take together for granted are so crazy. If this all started happening for the first time we’d go insane.
Gotta be so cool to be a centrist or a fascist. You get to take turns being in power while crying the whole time about how the left kept you from power (?)
Average online centrist: The posters long for the flames that will destroy us all!! Average online leftist: Hey man how’s it going.
I’m so mad at like 500 people on my computer half of which I invented
Just caught this dude sneaking into my shed after a lady and scared him off like it was my daughter and she popped her head out the other side like daaad.
I don’t mind these disgusting swamp evenings in Massachusetts because I get to sit out back and pretend I’m a chain smoking alcoholic in New Orleans, a much more interesting place to be like that than here.
Please enjoy this poem.
Worst case scenario for beating Trump is everyone from the big media to defecting elected Dems to concerned voters keep hammering Biden for being (clearly) unfit and it doesn’t work and he runs anyway significantly wounded. And it looks like that’s what’s going to happen!
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Sometimes it's good to read the Complete Collected Poems or Stories or whatever by a great literary figure because a lot of them fucking suck. It's inspiring.
Trump came out against the 2025 Project? Oh did he? Did he do that. Well I guess that's that.
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Reposted byAvatar Luke O'Neil
A whole thing of pasta salad in the heaviest bowl you've ever seen on a weak fold out table. The tinfoil half on and a wooden spoon poking out. Penne, lemon, olive oil, red wine vinegar, cherry tomatoes, green pepper, red onion, cucumber,kalamata olives, flies buzzing around, feta wilting in the sun
A whole thing of pasta A whole thing of pasta salad in the heaviest bowl you've ever seen on a weak fold out table. The tinfoil half on and a wooden spoon poking out. Penne, lemon, olive oil, red wine vinegar, cherry tomat...
I like The Boys but feel like we could wrap this up soon.
Not even going to ask if I can say something
I work in the good department of the evil company. It’s siloed off.
Hey just to clear the record here if you write for the New York Times you are evil and have no soul. Thanks.
Remember the whole thing about how old empathetic Joe watched almost his entire family die and that was why he was the right man to slaughter tens of thousands of other families.
You know this is not irl time machine 23 year old Sandra Bullock following me because if it were I would have already cut my own head off.
Imagine what it would do to you personally if you killed a single person, even by accident? You'd never get over it.
This old brain dead genocidal bitch loves to get rolled by Netanyahu once a week to keep the Palestinian blood flowing
This old brain dead genocidal bitch loves to get rolled by Netanyahu once a week to keep the Palestinian blood flowing
Man I'm still in my 40s as a lapsed but nonetheless brain damaged Catholic, and I'm starting to bargain every night when I go to bed. How is this disintegrating mummy, at least on the way out for the road, not thinking maybe I'll stop the bombs and save a few innocent lives?
Man I'm still in my 40s as a lapsed but nonetheless brain damaged Catholic, and I'm starting to bargain every night when I go to bed. How is this disintegrating mummy, at least on the way out for the road, not thinking maybe I'll stop the bombs and save a few innocent lives?
Reposted byAvatar Luke O'Neil
[waking up every day with my memory gone Memento style and seeing the New York Times openly express their politics they have always explicitly had] what!!
A whole thing of pasta salad in the heaviest bowl you've ever seen on a weak fold out table. The tinfoil half on and a wooden spoon poking out. Penne, lemon, olive oil, red wine vinegar, cherry tomatoes, green pepper, red onion, cucumber,kalamata olives, flies buzzing around, feta wilting in the sun
A whole thing of pasta A whole thing of pasta salad in the heaviest bowl you've ever seen on a weak fold out table. The tinfoil half on and a wooden spoon poking out. Penne, lemon, olive oil, red wine vinegar, cherry tomat...
Reposted byAvatar Luke O'Neil
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
I like staying home alone on holidays here and there when my wife goes to her family (who I love). Not really any different than any other day but the world is so much more quiet and empty. Someday being isolated and alone won’t be a choice I made rather just how it is but that’s not my problem now.
Detroiters! The funniest and best thing Tim and Sam have ever been a part of.
where is this from? 👀
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Did you eat hot dogs today?