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Hobbies: conservation gardening, soft-core birding, painting, knitting, hiking/walking. Interested in learning more about green infrastructure, urban forestry, and adult art camps. ALX, Acidic oak hickory, 7b
Was admiring the color patterns of the blackening seed pods on the baptesia alba this morning and noticed a friend. (unfortunately I think the caterpillar has perished but what a cool house!) #nativeplants
It’s a small thing, but I noticed the first shiny pollinator on the mountain mint I planted last fall. I don’t know my insects that well but I think this is a native sweat bee? #nativeplants
This is a test of ’s mute word: Trumpeter swan.
Three baby deer in my yard this morning (didn’t get a pic). I guess they like the place. Also a good reminder for me to distribute those tick tubes. 😅
It’s very hot outside. But on the shady, wooded side of my house it’s … actually still quite hot.
I’m hoping this is a swamp milkweed seeding. If so I’m going to relocate it to a better spot. #nativeplants
I am overworking this watercolor to death. So naturally the only way to fix it is to keep working it. Not comfortable (AI-theft wise) in sharing my work on social media so here’s a shot of my color test page.
Oh! Look who’s visiting.
This time of year I watch the precipitation radar like some people watch the game.
The dog always insists on going out during peak heat. Doesn’t matter that I took her out two hours ago. Doesn’t matter that it’s going to be a smidge cooler two hours from now. It’s go out NOW or she will PERISH.
Where do folks like to go to escape DC heat for the weekend? 🥵
The hummingbird crack (lobelia cardinalis) and pollinator crack (pycnanthemum muticum) are about to bloom. And yes I’m using the local common names. I planted the mountain mint last fall so this will be my first time witnessing the frenzy.
Saw my first spotted lanternfly today. 😞
One pattern, two (incomplete) sweaters, two different yarns (different fiber types too), two sizes, neither quite fits right. Frustrated and need to step away from these for a bit so I think it’s time to hit the calculator in preparation for the third sweater in this trilogy.
The spigelia seed pods had started to pop — or “explosively dehisce” as you say — so I braved the heat to grab a bunch. Several popped during collection which made what is usually rather meditative a bit more exciting. Gonna go out later when it’s cooler and pot these up. #nativeplants
In the garden today: beauty berry (callicarpa americana) and nodding onion (allium cernuum). Mid-Atlantic #nativeplants
Time for the monthly mosquito dunk.
♿️ #disability
In my day job, I work on We’re currently working on an accessible form filler tool to help people register to vote — see it at This is open for comment right now in the Federal Register. Comments of all kinds are helpful. is a United States government website that provides trusted voting information and can help you find voter registration rules for your state.
In case anyone needs a distraction, can anyone recommend a good dermatologist? Not for beauty-related stuff, want to do an annual skin check and my previous dermo practice may or may not be out of business.
Peeped this li’l firefly chilling on some pycnanthemum muticum.
Feeling pretty sad and powerless today so going to stare hard at this patch of my yard and think about turning it into a pollinator meadow / firefly habitat.
My trip to the Amazon, many years ago now, was about as close to magical as you can get. Comforted to read about efforts like this and sad that they’re necessary.
A Living Seed Bank Is Preserving the Amazon's Incredible Plants In one of the planet’s most ecologically rich regions, the fight to prevent native plants from being lost forever begins on the forest floor. June 27, 2024 | Outrider
A Living Seed Bank Is Preserving the Amazon's Incredible In one of the planet’s most ecologically rich regions, the fight to prevent native plants from being lost forever begins on the forest floor.
Looking for research into whether people applying for public services tend to trust (or distrust) software automation that agencies use in processing or deciding claims. I've only found a few news articles, and all related to private ins. claims, would like something broader and w/in public sector.
Admiring my crop of red chokeberries (not for me, for the birds).
Reposted byAvatar Carolyn
📸Ben Slyngstad
Genuine question – does anyone know where I can find out more about ALX's strategy/plan for maintaining all the new trees they're planting? I just rode past a lot of really sad looking new trees on public land, although granted the weather has been brutal lately.