
Kylie’s arc on Scrubs is one of the worst written disasters ever. Her boyfriend cheats on her, so she immediately starts dating JD, who lies excessively on first date. She forgives him bc he’s "genuine," then he spends weeks trying to goad her into sex. And when she’s ready, he cheats on her.
It’s not even useful character building for JD (which, even if it was, still isn’t justified). He doesn’t change. Hell, in the final season, he allows a dude to repeatedly film him having car sex with Elliot, thinking she doesn’t notice.
I had no idea and now don’t want to start watching the show
I get it’s a sitcom and shouldn’t be taken seriously, and I’ll state that there are some good things to the show, but they wanted to have it both ways: serious series-long storylines mixed with sitcom arcs, and the former was very rarely successful.
Like, one of the most adored episodes involves Cox accidentally killing several patients and basically trying to drink himself to death. But the b-story in that episode is just homophobia played for laughs.
I still take sitcoms seriously, when they abuse people as a joke
Yeah I don’t know how they got away with Kelso and his wife. From memory: - he’s got multiple mistresses through the series - he gets his dog to attack her - she gets paralyzed at some point, blind from glaucoma later - he sprays shaving cream on windows to keep her inside (Con’t)
- he mocks her by keeping a jar of cash out of reach but in line of sight in their kitchen - he’s been secretly drugging her for years to kill her sex drive - tells others he stopped loving her when she discovered pasta and gained weight - let her almost die twice, only saved by his mistresses
Judging from today, Scrubs is a highly problematic show
The one positive about the show is they never use autism or Down syndrome or anything similar as a joke. Dunno if that was the choice of the doctors who created the show, or due to John C. McGinley (Dr. Cox), who has a kid with Downs. But beyond that, yeah…
Dr. Cox' actor did a bang-up job in Brooklyn 99's final season as a villian. It's not a perfect show, it still is copaganda, but i really goes out of its way to make a point. I highly recommend it.
Am I the only person who watched that show and hope he'd die, every episode? He's pathetic in every imaginable way, not a good person, and would be insufferable in real life
Yeah, both he and Kelso didn’t deserve positive send offs. It’s like a single season between Kelso being hated and taking pleasure in abusing his disabled wife, and him being friends with everyone. Including the Cox monologue to Kelso that retcons how Kelso treated him.