Multiverse Rift Music

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Multiverse Rift Music

Composer // Musician // Gamer // Favorite Genres: /VGM/Prog/Metal/
Good Morning Blue Sky! Hope you’re all ok? Today I’m currently reading for the first time Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K LeGuin. What are you reading at the moment?
Having lots of sniper training (played Sniper Elite) I could easily do it and gotten away with it. The trick is to wait until your target is standing next to an explosive barrel then shoot the barrel and immediately run and hide in some grass until the enemy stops looking for you
Ein sogenannter Prachtkerl 🤩
Truly remarkable lack of self-awareness among the genAI crowd - they'll tell you that you aren't qualified to speak on the topic unless you can match their years of claimed subject matter expertise. But they don't seem to have any recognition for expertise in actual creation, i.e. writing
Well. I smell an Elder Ring inspiration
“Rosalie saw before her eyes a tree of marvellous beauty” (1920) by Virginia Frances Sterrett (1900-1931)
Multiverse Rift #Webcomic 080 Chapter 02: "Alert!" Posted from vacation :)
Can anybody recommend a combat game for iOS (iPad) that is fun, not super gory, and not just a free demo that some shadow corporation uses to scrape your data? (This is for a 12 yr old)
Damn, I like Animorphs. Came for the body Horror, stayed for the war crimes
For reasons of diversity, I have exactly one Black character in my bestselling children's book. His name? Kingsley Shacklebolt
There are some authors who are mad at "wokeness" because they miss the days when all the characterization work you needed to do was say that your villain "looked to be a Spaniard."
I'm feeling pretty good about life lately which means my therapy appointment tomorrow is going to be me trying to explain Elden Ring lore to a young woman that doesn't even play Candy Crush
So basically Firefly
I do not want any more Star Wars shows about Jedi. I want Star Wars shows about idiots and misanthropes doing space crimes in a starship that's a garbage truck
It's kinda nice to stay awake until 03:30, not because of gaming or stress or alcohol, no Because I couldn't stop reading my book. Time for Animorphs #3
((Nicht mein Bauchgefühl, sondern die Existenz dieser Leute und ihre allgegenwärtige Präsenz und dass das niemanden interessiert bzw. es andere Altherrenclubs halt auch einfach geil finden, gnarf, ich geh jetzt lieber ins Bett.))
Und heute in der wunderbaren Welt der deutschen Science-Fiction: Dude, der letztes Jahr komplett ausgeflippt ist, weil ein kostenloser Livestream* ihm nicht zusagte, macht inzwischen offen misogyne und "Seximus gegen Männer"-Posts. *queerfeministischen Veranstaltung, die ihm nicht SciFi genug war
books people: what are your favorite recs for funny-but-deadly-serious fiction? SFF especially large fan of Catch-22 and Confederacy of Dunces, love me some Locked Tomb hahaha, love me some Neal Stephenson when he’s cooking what should I be reading
Things that are wholesome in this world: Because of elseplace bullshittery, the fanbase for the band BTS has decided to move here en masse. My feed's full of them introducing themselves politely to the folks wondering why their feeds are suddenly full of K-pop, who then welcome them in.
Summer vacation, nothing to watch, play or read. I usually have 1-2 backlog games on my switch and as many books. So it's time to find out why so many commenters on the internet go absolutely crazy about those Animorphs books.
To keep myself from talking endlessly about last night's great House of the Dragon episode, I'll continue to blather endlessly about my attempts at Elden Ring - a game that came out last year and the tutorial was so hard I let it sit for about a year.
I had a friend try to get me to play Zenless Zone Zero. I said no. I dont play any game with lootboxes or gatcha mechanics. Why? 53,200$. Working on Infinite Warefare as QA thats how much "money" we had to use to unlock everything during testing. Fifty Three THOUSAND.
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
Symphony of the Night remains the greatest piece of vampire media ever created
Multiverse Rift #Webcomic 078 Chapter 02: Alert! one more and then I'm on vacation with the kids, for a week :) Seems stressful. It will be.
Played the first Secret of Monkey Island, fun little romp with good humor, enjoyed it despite a couple wtf solutions. See why its so fondly remembered.