
Until today, it never once crossed my mind that there could be a cat-person who is allergic to cats
Never occurred to me when I was younger, but about 5 years ago, I started saying that I'm allergic to myself. (How can my own shed hairs bother me so fucking much?! 😡) Seems *very* awkward for a furry being, though. Now to read about the cats again. (My Boo was half Siamese.)
Only have a couple pics of boo but her she is in her very old glory!
She was just a sweet little doll-baby, omg.
Oh my gosh! Meep! 😍 I don't think I have a pic of my Boo (or his parents) easily accessible, but it will probably not surprise you to learn that he was mostly gray (blue-point mom), with little splashes of white (tux barn-cat dad). First cat who adopted me. Quite an imprint.
last year I did an allergy test and my allergies are cat, dog, and dust mites. good thing I don’t have any of those things in my house
My ex stepdad was allergic to the very crops he worked in, haha
I tried to adopt a hairless cat from a purebreed rescue, and I wished they had favored me because I was the one who most needed it.
Damn, that sucks! Hairless cats are an enigma to me. I see one and expect it to like give me a quest or summon Anubis or be accompanied by a villain’s lap.
Yeah, they're super creepy! I won't know what it would have been like and instead I'm chasing this regular cat around with the vacuum all the time.
I actually had a long-haired cat for quite a while. Her name was "Felony" and she was a great cat. She got lots of brushing, but she loved it. I rescued her from a friend who had too many cats and one that bullied Felony.
Her original name was "Mischief" and she belonged to a chemistry professor at State University. He got convicted of grant fraud and sentenced to prison, so the grad student who adopted his cat renamed her "Felony". After bouncing around a bit she ended up with me for the rest of her life.
She looked huge, but when I bathed her you could see that she was way below average in size. Just a great, great cat.