
Huh. If I'm reading this right, season 2 is going to be Season of Mists and Brief Lives, and they're merging Wanda with the character of Ruby from Brief Lives. That makes me think they're skipping over A Game of You entirely, unless it's going to be a stand-alone episode.
I can see the reasons for doing that in an adaptation, since AGoY is not as critical to the overall arc, but also wow that would change a bunch of Thessaly's role in The Kindly Ones (which I could see being both good and bad!)
There was that brief flash of Martin Tenbones so I know they took the time to render him... but you're probably right that it's mostly a side story to the main arc. Ah well, we'll see!
(I'm mostly excited because Brief Lives is my absolute favorite arc and I didn't think I'd get it so soon)