
Huh. If I'm reading this right, season 2 is going to be Season of Mists and Brief Lives, and they're merging Wanda with the character of Ruby from Brief Lives. That makes me think they're skipping over A Game of You entirely, unless it's going to be a stand-alone episode.
I can see the reasons for doing that in an adaptation, since AGoY is not as critical to the overall arc, but also wow that would change a bunch of Thessaly's role in The Kindly Ones (which I could see being both good and bad!)
There was that brief flash of Martin Tenbones so I know they took the time to render him... but you're probably right that it's mostly a side story to the main arc. Ah well, we'll see!
(I'm mostly excited because Brief Lives is my absolute favorite arc and I didn't think I'd get it so soon)
A Game of You is one of my favorite parts but I feel like I'm in a minority.
I adore it to pieces (as one of those girls who spent her childhood and adolescence in her own dream world!) but I can kind of see reducing it in an adaptation because TV pacing is different than comic pacing
I loved A Game of You. I loved Wanda. Barbie fixing Wanda's tombstone, and Death waving goodbye with Wanda, is the most salient image from the entire Sandman series for me.
There were some set photos from a few months ago that suggest at least some aspect of this arc will be told.
I adore A Game of You but I think the simple change of making Barbie trans as well as Wanda would improve it immensely
I can’t see them removing AGoY (IIRC, Gaiman has implied they’re not In threads here about Wanda) but it might be squeezable down to two episodes. It’s also possible they’ll split Brief Lives over two seasons, breaking it where the search gets abandoned, or interleave AGoY with it
I'm hoping it's a mistake by someone at Netflix. But that's just my hope.
FWIW, I've been wondering how/if they'd be able to pull off A Game of You on the screen. That run has always felt to me like the weirdest of the series. It's wonderful, of course, but not sure how well it translates to the screen.
OMG I totally missed the bit about Barnabas. Are they really doing these two very long storylines?