Carrie Sage

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Carrie Sage

Learning to draw in my 40s. Fan of weird art, dramaturgy, old/bad video games, ecology, disability rights. she/her 🏳️‍🌈🥄 Comic:
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* wedding anniversary today! 24 years. Italian food tonight 😋 * Haven't posted my non-comic art in awhile! I really like my painting for this week in the #bulletjournal
good things: * thinking about the Cinderella trick dress. I get misty when the trick works perfectly in time with the orchestra pit. Magic! * I bought a new sewing machine and it sews without whining! Also magic * did I mention how much more fun I'm having in BG3 since going into story mode
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I caught this Acmon blue butterfly at the right angle where the natural light has caused the scales to iridesce across the entire spectrum of colors, but still dominated by the indigo-blue the species is named for 📷🌈🦋
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they’re more afraid of us than we are of them
WGN reporting large tornado on the ground at Chicago O'Hare 😳 (we're fine! All of us in the basement, cats have zoomies, I'm soaked because I was in the shower when the sirens went off)
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gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
I don't have to do a show tonight (after 8 days straight of doing the show) and I'm overloading how much my to-do list can hold when I'm also really tired
we go on in ten (thankyouten) and I'm glad for the excuse to put my phone down
Cinderella opened last night! so now I can show you the rest of this amazing costume (I'm "A Dignitary" at the Prince's ball) I feel like a mesmer in Guild Wars; I love it so much
had first full dress rehearsal yesterday, and just wanted to show off the mask I'm wearing for the Prince's ball
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The rhetorical trick they rely on is that you can’t have a meaningful discussion about subjective things with people who have no empathy, and you can’t have a discussion about art with people who have no curiosity
Truly remarkable lack of self-awareness among the genAI crowd - they'll tell you that you aren't qualified to speak on the topic unless you can match their years of claimed subject matter expertise. But they don't seem to have any recognition for expertise in actual creation, i.e. writing
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As a tribute to Shelley Duvall, everyone needs to spend today being sexy and weird
I restarted BG3 on an easier difficulty and with the class/race I usually play, and am instantly having way more fun
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I am happy that Stable Diffusion 3 has shit the bed tho. Cuz they had to remove the LAION5B dataset, and removed any use of porn to feed into their thief machine. The results are truly ... Truly amazing.
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need this on booty shorts
[speaking through vocal folds parched and cracked like a dry clay river bed] guess that was the wrong amount of hydration backstage last night
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If you are thinking about making a comic, consider that you can print 50 issues of a 24 page greyscale A4 comic on 50lb uncoated paper with a colour cover and staple binding for $165
The other Western indie comic killer is the expectation that A) to stand out your comic must be in colour and B) you can’t sell your comic until you have 300 page library omnibus editions ready to go
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This is a sticker now! You can give me some dollars and I’ll send this silly art to you to stick on your water bottle or whatever. 👉
Everything is going great!!!
tech week is really testing my foot muscles*, so I have a good excuse to just recline all day and draw ✌🏻 * I love how jazz flats look on my feet and also: holy hell my arches are so weak rn
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A comic about disability and drugs in America for #disabilitypridemonth
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"if i can't trash dance i don't want to be a part of your trash revolution" -possum emma goldman
Eric Adams opened this morning’s press conference by rolling a garbage bin up to the podium, placing a bag of trash in it, and saying “welcome to our trash revolution” while Empire State of Mind played in the background
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i hate when people say they’re allies and they don’t even almond milk
what I look like scrolling social media
What I look like scrolling social media
had first full dress rehearsal yesterday, and just wanted to show off the mask I'm wearing for the Prince's ball
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You alright man? I keep seeing small damage numbers coming off you
entirely missed the last two GDQs because I used to use Twitter to keep up with news and, well need to rebuild a list of runners I like who use the social media I use!
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Technically, not on the counter Also technically, a fragile jelly bean
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We’ve returned to the olden days, when word-of-mouth was the only real way to advertise. As an author, if you enjoy a book, please: tell your friends. Your group chat, your sewing circle, your family WhatsApp, your work Slack, the voice channel of your MMORPG guild, anything.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.