
I am a Digital Humanities web developer and IT professional. My greatest hits include: * That sounds great; who is going to maintain it? * No, really; who is going to maintain it? * Lets try again; who is going to maintain it after you get bored with it / run out of grant money? * **screaming**
I am a games PR manager. My greatest hits include: * You have to talk to someone else about that game * No, we don't have any news about that yet * I really like it, and I'm not just saying that. * No, I don't do the podcast anymore.
I do onboardings for a development platform - this is one of the first questions I ask. Often to dead silence!
me trying to explain the above to people at work without openly describing it as like a child asking for a puppy but unprepared for, e.g. daily walks (in _all_ weather), feeding, cleaning up after toileting, and baths
Put all of this in my tombstone (also, who is going maintain *that*?!)
Following because you just described a significant percentage of what our library IT staff has to deal with every day.
Screaming in Wiki pages and LibGuides