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Black queer transfem neurodivergent nerd | non-binary girl-esque | furry | southern ontario, canada | en/fr | they/she or elle/iel | over 18
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
In addition to the tedious, hostile, etc etc behavior of a significant number of people on this network, there is an even larger number of people who will aggressively and repeatedly argue with any statement someone makes to the fucking death, no matter what clarifications they offer.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Despite all of these factors, in the past several weeks I have repeatedly and frequently made the calculation that dealing with the inevitable tedious, hostile, bad-faith, aggressive asshole behavior of a significant number of people on this network is not worth it and just shut up instead.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Bluesky's aggressive, uncharitable, bad-faith reading of every single fucking post and the prominent, systemic, immediate, and reflexive dismissal of any statement that challenges the reader's preconceptions and assumptions is getting extremely tiresome even for me.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
I am top-posting an edited collection of posts that I have made over the last hour to explain why I am deleting the Bluesky application from my phone for at least the next 48 hours. I may be back. I may not. I haven't decided.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
this extends far beyond trans women to all trans people, but i particularly see this kind of fawning behavior with trans women the most and i cannot stress it enough that you are deserving of love, respect, and appreciation for your transness. your transness is beautiful. you deserve to be cherished
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
i know you won't believe me, but i get it. i was in your shoes once too, as were all of us. being trans is scary enough when you're still figuring it out, but i promise you that trying to distance yourself from the "bad" trans women so that cis people like you won't work. that path is pure pain.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
i don't want to name any tgirls in particular, but if you are a recently-out trans woman and you're still finding your place in the world, i need you to understand that trying to be One Of The Good Ones to cis people who hate you will not end well for you. you are worth more than that. love yourself
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
I think what's so alluring about "is it ethical to work for an employer who behaves unethically" as an argument is that there's no black and white standard and everyone has a different line they draw, but you can just loudly insist there's an obvious standard that whoever you don't like is violating
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Montreal's sponge parks, designed in a way to deviate as much rain water as possible away from the sewers, have saved a bunch of areas from flooding due to Beryl's rainfall. So you get really nice parks in a major city, with a bonus against flooding. They're making more of them now and I love it
Montreal sponge parks soak up the stormmontreal.ctvnews.ca After over 100 millimetres of rain pummelled Montreal Wednesday evening, some Montreal streets saw less flooding, and sponge parks played a big part in soaking up the precipitation.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
A lot of the reason I skeet out stuff about ADHD and autism aside from educating others is helping myself to encode that information in a meaningful way. One of my values is 'reciprocal learning' - sharing and learning from other people.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
You know what I did a lot at school, talked. Want to know my best way of learning information - talking to other people or communicating it in some way.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
making positive change in this excruciating world pretty much always involves lots of shitty compromises, the kind that keep people up at night forever. this is perhaps the #1 thing I’ve learned from history. it’s our job to get the fuck over this reality and keep fighting for better things.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
And that's a reminder for ME TOO. We're all emotionally charged over *waves hands around wildly* and it's very easy to direct that anger, fear, etc. at the wrong people. Or to come at people with the wrong level of anger over what should be reasoned disagreements on how to achieve MUTUAL GOALS.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
If you believe it's impossible for someone to hold any kind of institutional power and also be on your side, then you're condemning yourself to a dark road of irrelevance. Sorry. This is how the game is played, and has been since our ancient ancestors first started swimming the primordial seas.
getting mad at everyone on this website with any form of institutional power is not going to do anything to help bring about the political outcomes we want
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
getting mad at everyone on this website with any form of institutional power is not going to do anything to help bring about the political outcomes we want
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
NEW: Top Shopify executive’s right-wing media website rails against immigrants while defending a legally designated terrorist group. The right-wing Canadian media website ‘True North’ deleted its interview with the founder of the Proud Boys shortly after being contacted by PressProgress:
Shopify Executive’s Right-Wing Media Website Rails Against Immigrants While Defending a Legally Designated Terrorist Grouppressprogress.ca Right-wing Canadian media website ‘True North’ deletes interview with the founder of the Proud Boys after being contacted by PressProgress
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Seriously, if you’re feeling out of control (and this does require being able to sit with yourself and interrogate your feelings, so you may not realize you feel out of control until you do it), go do something you can control. There’s a reason that cleaning as displacement is a trope. 1/3
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
A thing I think about every day is how it's okay to owe each other favors and ask for them and just generally live a life where we rely on each other.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
I just learned that the Avengers was just released streaming in Lakota, dubbed with the original six avengers actors? Which is incredibly cool.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Cosmos looks great today, doesn’t it? #art #furry #furryart
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Personal puff for northern light cat! ✨
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Congrats on 300 @exitrealitystudios.com ! For #Lore300 DTIYS fea. her OC Tass (see comment for DTIYS link)
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Focusing on your own feelings & needs, as we have to do every day in recovery, will NOT make you "self centered." I know it feels like it might, but it won't. It WILL equip you to realistically show up for the people, pets, & causes you passionately care about.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
I'm saying that IN A CRISIS (and we're all in a crisis folks) you don't listen to the person losing their shit, or you die. You don't listen to the person screaming about fire regulations when the building is BURNING AROUND YOU. You need to use DISCERNMENT.
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
So as things slide down into shitty and scary in the world... you need to look at the people you hang with, or follow or listen to. Notice if they just work themselves into a frenzy over everything, or over little things or the wrong things I'm not saying bail on someone who has a bad/wrong take
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
This is very applicable to other types of art as well! Your knowledge/perception improves along w/ your skills, but separately, so you get periodic disconnects. I’ve seen various versions of this chart floating around the net: (this one is from “auriee” on tumblr: auriee.tumblr.com/post/1399552...)
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
Contacted a friend who rescues angry feral cats, she recommended this hand gesture, which they call the Llama of Friendship It may mimic non-threatening inquisitive cat ears, but regardless of the mechanism I have learned I will not be attacked as long as one hand is llama-shaped
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury
✨⛅ don't forget to take care of yourself<3 #furry #furryart #doodle
Reposted byAvatar celestinefury