Catherine P

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Catherine P

Science (chemistry laboratory) by day, crochet by night, easily distracted all the time. Love my dog, my books, my peace and quiet, and my craft projects. "Set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship." ~Omar Bradley~ she/her
Almost melted in the heat and humidity, fortunately the small art fair I went to was in a shady park! Was actually very reasonable. Did NOT get jewelry, pictures that would go on the pile of other art I have no frames or room for, sweets I don't need, a suncatcher with no place to hang it.
Funny how now that I've decided to redecorate my living room since I'm having the windows replaced all of a sudden it looks like an absolute dump. Won't be cheap but considering 2 coworkers just bought new houses it will be much less trouble than moving at least!
I wonder if it's another symptoms of perimenopause that in addition to waking up between 3 and 4 am EVERY DAMN MORNING that I want less and less to go to work but only want to snuggle with my dog. Probably just because I'm tired and need a vacation though.
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I have never felt in a more depressed mood on the 4th of July before in my life. Even though July means I'm a year from a trip to Iceland and hopefully only a couple years from early retirement. Big assumption that I'll live long enough for either of those given everything happening. ☹️😠
Two of my coworkers just bought new houses. It's almost enough to make me want to shop for a new place...until I remember what a nightmare packing, moving, and especially unpacking is! Especially since I'm hoping to retire in a couple years and moving twice close together would be absolute hell. 😄
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I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
Signed up to take a trip to Iceland next summer. It's a late 55th birthday present to myself. Now I have a year to save up the rest of the money I need, and get decent rain gear and hiking shoes. 😀
For such a short month my February is being very busy and somewhat stressful. Hoping that when March gets here I'll get a bit of a breather.
Had to pull out my passport because I need it to register for a trip in summer 2025. Long ways out but that gives me time to save up for the final payment next spring, and there are only 25 slots so I'm going to be at registration a couple hours early. Do NOT want to be waitlisted for Iceland. 🙂
Finished my stained glass assignment! Now to cut chain to length and screw cup hooks into the window frame to hang it. In a few weeks I start the next class, and I'm doing a round piece then. Need more practice doing curves.
If I believed in Hell, there would be an express elevator directly there for people who use an apostrophe and S to indicate plurals. Illiterate tools.
Whoa. Great lineup on both stages this year.
After looking at it for some couple days, decided I didn't like 4 of the glass pieces I cut. So I swapped them out for some colors from my dad's scraps, cut and ground them to fit, and I like the new all-green arrangement MUCH better. Now to foil the rest of it by Thursday so it's ready for solder!
I may need to redo some of the pieces from glass I have or scraps from my dad if they don't fit together nicely when I add the thickness of copper foil around them. But we'll see in the next couple days.
Started my next stained glass class yesterday. It's a 2 week class, and my homework is to put copper foil on all the pieces I cut out, and next week is soldering. Learning how to make a piece to a particular size now, so adding more skills.
Taking advantage of the snow day to make a warm winter hat, since I gave the last one I made to a friend at work last week since she didn't have one. And since I like blue more and already had the yarn I was planning on making another anyway!
Cleaning up is annoying, but if the sun comes out the snow is so dang pretty.
Look at this freeloader. You'd think that SHE was the one who actually shoveled out after a winter storm and cleared off the snow from my car before the temperature drops like a rock tomorrow. But NO she was ZERO help! 😄
So spare a few thoughts for utility workers who don't have a choice but to go in to work in this weather because water and wastewater plants depend on them to run stuff even in a winter storm warning.
Glad to be safely at home and hunkered down for the winter storm. Also happy the snow and wind held off just long enough for the 4pm shift change at work. 4am is going to be tricky but one is ready to crash at work for a few hours until the roads are safe and the other lives really close.
My dad let me use his stained glass tools and I practiced my soldering on a simple thing for a friend. Getting better bit by bit! Cutting I'm pretty good at, still need to work on coordinating both hands when soldering. That will come with time.
I miss sleep. I know part of this will be better once I'm more out of the darkest part of winter, but it's rough right now. 😕 At least my dog isn't suffering from insomnia lol. At least she's not snoring to rub it in!
A local university has a lifetime learning program that I could get a membership in now that I'm past 50, and I'm seriously thinking of signing up because one of their trips in 2025 is to Iceland. Even though it's probably way too expensive for me to go but I REALLY WANT TO SEE ICELAND. 😕
Now that it's 2024 I'm fully realizing that I have between 26 and 30 months left before I take early retirement and I am getting anxious already planning what to do after that. (I'll be 56 so need to find another job for a bit.) Not like I can check job openings yet!
There has to be a word for the phenomenon where you keep tripping over some item in your house and moving it out of the way to get to something else because you don't need it right now, and the NANOSECOND you actually do need it, it vanishes into another dimension. 😠
Making up some 2024 goals and several are the same as my 2023 goals. However I did progress on all of them, they were just too big to do everything in one year. Working full-time and trying to keep my house and dog from falling apart and also work on a few hobbies takes up a lot of time. 😕
Only made 2 gifts for niblings this year, nieces asked for a fuzzy pillow and a red pillow. Made these crocheted covers for pillow forms and they immediately hugged them so I think I did okay. I'm not much of a Christmas (or any holiday!) person so I'm always anxious about gifts and stuff.
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Hydrothermal Vents
Got these from my parents for Christmas. Just started taking classes in stained glass so I guess it's time to start collecting tools if I want to stick with it as a new hobby.
FINISHED my presents by midnight. Which makes my dog very happy because she does not like going to bed without me. Sometimes I wish she was less clingy but it's very sweet.