
Every time a bad SCOTUS decision comes down we hear this. It's a pipe dream & one that could quickly turn bad on us. Even if there were a way to snap fingers & get it done, packing the court is an unpopular idea with all but the very liberal. The perception NOW is that the court is illegitimate, ffs
Sorry folks, but this once seemed like a great idea. Now it seems like we need to be discussing immediate solutions such as #ExpandTheCourNow Something tells me America is ready now for solutions to this SCOTUS --
Raskin, Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Legislation Imposing Gift Ban on Supreme Court
Yeah. Frankly, am more than happy to accept (and applaud) whatever solutions the legal eagles among us think are most appropriate, but damn, we need to do something.
Yup, but I don't think expanding the court has any real support outside the very online liberal, and it's just not a viable long term solution. A better one would be to call for term limits (a popular reform) and reform the way the senate confirms justices.