
No matter how bleak things look right now, I genuinely don't think America is terminally fucked. However, I do think our political system is terminally fucked. Whether or not we'd like to fix it, I don't think it's possible. We need to start taking seriously building something new.
So, throw the baby out with the bath water. What a great suggestion. Oh, never mind... there are no suggestions in this post. Just burn it all down. Got it.
I would like to save the baby. I am saying: I don't think we can.
Maybe research on past history (LBJ? which resulted in Nixon?) or current reality (where we are now) and what's actually needed to save democracy and win this election. It's much bigger than one debate or even Joe Biden. I'll add another link below. Others know more than we do!
We can worry about adjustments to prevent this from happening again later, but right now, we have to win the election in November and Biden is the administration that will keep those options open! Otherwise, we're done and project 2025 takes over. It's as simple as that.
And I love Kamala, but she is not the incumbent and no matter how we try to ignore it, there's people that won't vote for her because she's a "cop", black, a woman and from California. That's just not a risk we can afford. Not now.
i think the scary thing people need to wrap their heads around: we need to take a risk right now, because we're losing badly, and it's looking increasingly unlikely things will turn around. biden called for the debate early so he could change the dynamic. he bombed. we're running out of time.
We should pile another "risk" (Kamala) on top of the current risks? A brokered convention? That chaos is going to keep voters? A united front gains/keeps voters! We need to get a spine and not let the opposition drive our decisions. 34-felon would love it! He's quite, waiting for us to implode. ⬇️