Christine Jacobson

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Christine Jacobson

Associate Curator of Modern Books & Manuscripts @ Houghton Library, Harvard University

newsletter on cultural heritage x fashion:

writing, projects, frivolity, etc:
still digesting Kinds of Kindness but I will say this—it's just a really good-looking movie. Not to be all, "they don't make pictures like this anymore!" but they really don't!! beautifully lit, no discernible CGI, thoughtful scene compositions. a pleasure for the eye
New ad just dropped in this month's Little Village - we love what the artist did with our sign. Also... check the back of the July issue for an exciting invitation!
I learn a lot from Matthew 📜
A (very) short talk I just delivered at the SHARP conference in Reading about a large language model embedded inside of a font and the implications of the post-GPT textuality. llama.tff here:
Fascinated by Alan Galey’s provocation at #SHARP2024 — why, despite decades of discussions about digital scholarly editions, are there no scholarly editions of born-digital texts? We increasingly teach & take born-digital literature seriously, but we don’t create scholarly editions of it (yet)
today in "this feels unique to Cambridge, Mass" I have joined a 30-people-deep waiting list at the library for the new juicy Maureen Callahan book on the Kennedys and their treatment of women.
this week a new biography of editor Judith Jones (who, among many others, edited all of Julia Child's books) comes out and the waitlist for the public library copy is already 50-people deep. Only in Cambridge, Mass baby 🤌
A Horror Story Starring the Monstrous Men of Maureen Callahan’s lurid “Ask Not” paints the Kennedys as mad, bad and dangerous for women to know.
never heard an edge in Nina Totenberg’s voice until this morning
UCLA Special Collections has an original illustration as their home page image. I've never seen that before, but I love it and now I am fully converted to Special Collections commissioning original artwork, especially with the sudden appearance of AI art. 📜
People who like Peanuts have good vibes online. Maybe a little bit sad, but the world is hard and they know that. People who like Krazy Kat have chaotic vibes. Engage at your own risk. People who like Popeye have insane but friendly vibes. People who like Moomin have beautiful vibes and are handsome
in collaboration with Morgan curator Dale Stinchcomb, I’m embarking on research for a new exhibition, coming in spring 2026. will try to post updates in this thread as we go! today’s gems found with the help of Schlesinger librarian Jennifer Fauxsmith. can you guess the subject of our exhibit?
Explore the exquisite food towers & cakes of early 19thC France.
I should say the board I joined is for the Ticknor Society, a Boston-based bibliophilic community that unlike a certain illustrious Boston bib club, welcomes all on the gender spectrum and is a reasonable $35/year. great way to meet local bookish people! more info here:
I was nominated to my first ever board position yesterday and I'm feeling very adult but a little sad that there aren't better titles for gals on boards. "boardwoman" has no pizazz. can I be a "lady of the board"? a boardtrix? can I ask fellow boardsmen to address me as dame?
The Ticknor Society – A New England-Based Bibliophilic
Essential and exciting work is happening in the Northeastern Archives and Special Collections reading room! We are proud to be supporting the research for the Boston Reparations Task force being taken on by leaders including Margaret Burnham, Deborah Jackson, Ted Landsmark, and Richard O'Bryant. 📜
A ‘tremendous opportunity.’ Northeastern researchers dig into Boston’s past in support of Boston’s Reparations Task The research team, which is focused on the years 1940 to the present, is led by distinguished Northeastern professors.
I was nominated to my first ever board position yesterday and I'm feeling very adult but a little sad that there aren't better titles for gals on boards. "boardwoman" has no pizazz. can I be a "lady of the board"? a boardtrix? can I ask fellow boardsmen to address me as dame?
Here’s an idea, American Library Association: how about we NOT encourage libraries to use the plagiarism machine that is burning a small country’s worth of power?
An all timer of an issue from featuring Joanna Rakoff whose remark “my style comes more from an inner compass, from my own internal sense of what’s beautiful and right for me” will be something I aspire to lifelong! Wisdom, Hollywood stylists and more in June’s Luxe Libris ✨
The June Issue: Joanna + a dispatch from the Persephone Festival, Sonia Delaunay, garment-magazine hybrids, and more
Could the kindly people in the GLAM community lead me towards any zines created by people within the GLAM community about GLAM subjects? I want to do a post or a few posts about professionals using specific mediums within the pop culture landscape. Links are appreciated! 📜 #GLAMS #zines
The latest issue of Luxe Libris is finally here and features the wonderful writer Joanna Rakoff. We talk about what it's like to consult on the costumes for a film adaptation of your life, the confidence it takes to get Dressed Up in New England, and much more:
The June Issue: Joanna + a dispatch from the Persephone Festival, Sonia Delaunay, garment-magazine hybrids, and more
this is a lovely interview with the great Eliott Gould about his dear friend and on-screen partner Donald Sutherland. "His performance in “Pride & Prejudice,” to me, it is absolutely magnificent."
Elliott Gould details his 'perfect chemistry' with 'MASH' co-star Donald Elliott Gould fondly remembers his collaborations with 'brother' Donald Sutherland on 'MASH,' 'Little Murders' and 'SPYS.'
Ooof, God bless you, Mary Ward, giving birth to twins on two different days in 1722. Here's hoping it was a 11:55/12:05 situation.
the high highs of discovering Olivier-award-winning audiobook reader Juliet Stevenson has recorded Anna Karenina; the low lows of finding out it still only exists on cassette tape
my husband devising a complex set of fan-placement to window-openings/closures during the heat wave to keep our apartment cool
"For Black librarians of the period, librarianship wasn’t just about hosting writers or connecting books with patrons. It was also about creating an intellectual infrastructure that made Black materials visible — and findable — in the first place." 📜
How Black Librarians Helped Create Generations of Black Recent scholarship is uncovering the role of the women who ran libraries during the Harlem Renaissance where they built collections and, just as important, communities of writers and readers.
“Without primary source materials on assorted sexual topics and populations and practices, there is no scholarship: only speculation and assumptions and prejudices and gossip" good article featuring efforts at Schlesinger and Houghton, among others:
The XXX files: Why Harvard librarians are archiving vintage porn - The Boston Research libraries in Cambridge and across the country are hurrying to collect sexual ephemera from Americans’ pasts, before it’s too late.
Enjoying this book and looking forward to our #BookishBookClub convo this Sunday! It’ll be online so we can all hopefully stay cool while talking queer archives and creative responses
cute lunch date courtesy of the #BookishBookClub (do we have a hashtag on Blue Sky yet, 📜
cute lunch date courtesy of the #BookishBookClub (do we have a hashtag on Blue Sky yet, 📜