Sarah Werner

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Sarah Werner

feminist bibliography, old books, and reproductive justice // I wrote Studying Early Printed Books 1450–1800: A Practical Guide, I edit The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, and sometimes I play with wallpaper designs //
Yoko Ono at Tate Modern. That’s it. Just great.
Ok I am hearing general sounds of cheers and joy, but still surprised I didn’t hear a roar on that last pk
Weirdly didn’t hear any shouts on that winning penalty kick. I will never understand England
Weirdly didn’t hear any shouts on that winning penalty kick. I will never understand England
Massive cheers audible from my airbnb in Camden at that England goal. Not really watching but kinda fun to hear everyone else
Massive cheers audible from my airbnb in Camden at that England goal. Not really watching but kinda fun to hear everyone else
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... and we have a winner. This book won the 2024 SHARP Book History Book Prize, as has been announced yesterday at #SHARP2024. Congratulations, Prof. Sebouh David Aslanian. #bookhistory
#onmydesktoday: a transregional focus upon (Armenian) diasporic mobility and entangled bookmaking in #earlymodern Europe. A nice read. Recommended for #bookhistory.
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Future histories are going to be written by people sorting through the unprocessed mass of data recovered from LLM data centers as archives are defunded and destroyed by climate change.
Google’s emissions are up 48% in 5 years. Microsoft’s are up 30% since 2020. Those soaring figures are being driven by mass investments in data centers to power AI tools. Generative AI is a climate disaster and data center expansion must be stopped.
Generative AI is a climate Tech companies are abandoning emissions pledges to chase AI market share
Woooo SHARP 2025 will be in Rochester!! Announcement at the AGM by Anna Siebach-Larsen to applause
I’m so delighted to be working with Jonathan on PBSA! He shares the expansive version of bibliography that the journal and society have been working towards and his own bibliographical work is tremendous. Please join me in shouting hurray and welcome!
Happy to share that effective July 1st I was appointed Associate Editor of The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. PBSA was first published in 1904, and is the journal of the oldest scholarly society in North America dedicated to the study of books and manuscripts.
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Reposted byAvatar Sarah Werner
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
Person in the airplane seat in front of me is deploying sanitizing wipes on everything. She is also not wearing a mask. I am really biting my tongue here but omfg
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When I see other people masked out and about, it’s all I can do not to high five them
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I appreciate Justice Sotomayor's humanity and compassion, as ever
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SCOTUS holds 6-3 that it is the executive branch now
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attn scholarly organizations, this is now considered best practice
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anyone got good reading on how the widespread normalization of bribery and grift affects civic engagement
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I’m hearing a lot of “college kids today don’t know how to disagree because they are always in their little phone bubble” but it is by and large not the students who are calling up university presidents and demanding that speech they don’t like be banned.
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"The cloud" was such an incredible marketing move. Just fully leaning into the rhetoric that cloud computing is this magical thing that happens up in the sky and doesn't have impact on our environment or the sustainability of our labor. It's depressing how well that rhetoric worked.
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The SHARP 2023 Annual Bibliography is here! Featuring 600+ new monographs and edited collections published in 2023 about all things #BookHistory As always, I hope everyone can find at least one thing of interest! -Your friendly SHARP Bibliographer
SHARP Annual Bibliography 2023 – SHARP
I’ll only add that most federal workers are great and normal and DC. It’s the politicians and staffers and the attention economy around them that makes Washington suck
enough of this! dc is a great city! it’s the dicks who move there to work for the government or mckinsey who are terrible!
Reposted byAvatar Sarah Werner
enough of this! dc is a great city! it’s the dicks who move there to work for the government or mckinsey who are terrible!
man i have the funniest lil story from my trip to dc but it’s way too long to reduce to the 200 characters i have left. can you just like imagine something really funny and react as if i had said it
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Reposted byAvatar Sarah Werner
This month’s romance column features: a superhero walks into a drag bar (We Could Be Heroes), a sapphic space heist (Lady Eve’s Last Con), a French-set historical (The Paris Affair), and a kickass YA Shakespeare retelling (Twelfth Knight). #romancelandia Gift link:
4 Fun, Flirty New Romance Our columnist has summery new recommendations.
lol I forgot how excited I get about flong
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I love explorations of sound in material texts!
What does a 15th century manuscript sound like? Listen to LJS 61, a Register of writs from regnal year 13 of Richard II (1390) to regnal year 8 of Henry IV (1407). The pages are parchment, the covers are late 15th-century calf over wooden boards.
What does a 15th c manuscript sound like? #manuscriptASMR #manuscript #medieval #asmr #history - What does a 15th century manuscript sound like? Listen to LJS 61, a Register of writs from regnal year 13 of Richard II (1390) to regnal year 8 of Henry IV (...
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lay down my sword and shield down by the exclusive university down by the multinational grocery store down by the gated development study war no more
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I'm 90% sure they added the "this book is in the public domain" radio button option because I sent them so many requests saying exactly that before it was added while writing AskHistorians answers!
If you find an out of copyright book on Google Books, that they have a scan of but aren't making fully available, use this form to ask them to release it: It's simple, gets results, and enriches the #PublicDomain
Your Google Books inquiry - Google Search
And the NYT on the Folger reopening. Losing track of what’s fawning and what’s not already. (It’s not that I disagree with this account of who Shakespeare is to today’s world, I’m just wishing there was more attention to the research that makes it all possible) Gift article!
The Folger Library Wants to Reintroduce You to After an $80 million expansion, the Folger Shakespeare Library is reopening with a more welcoming approach — and all 82 of its First Folios on view.