
Ok - this is a question I get a LOT, and am starting to get a lot again. Here are a few tips on calling electeds: 1. Try not to stress too much about the method of contact - e.g. email/calling. The important thing is getting in touch.
2. But if you really want to make an impact, calling is best. Offices have to stop and handle calls, while emails can idle in inboxes, especially through website contact forms.
3. Please call your own electeds. You want to make sure your calls are logged. And they WILL be disregarded if you're not a constituent. I know no one likes to hear this, but it's absolutely the truth. 4. Leaving a voicemail is fine - they'll be checked and logged.
5. Make sure you have an ask - e.g. a letter addressing questions/what the member is doing. Don't let the member take your remarks and not act on them. *Make them* respond to you.
6. Okay, here's one I really want to flag. Because Project 2025 is technically a campaign issue, you may get staffers who won’t engage /may not be able to engage. Be aware of this. You can't talk campaigns in official offices because of FEC rules. Don't take it necessarily as them not caring.
They can potentially get in trouble for engaging, and yes, there are plenty of people out there who try to bait these types of conversations. So staffers, especially interns answering the phones, are cautious.
But there are ways to word your concerns AND yes, you should also be calling campaign offices too. Working on a few scripts + a carousel, will share when I can.
Okay, first set of call scripts. I know I'm not the only one getting 2016/"But her emails!!!" flashbacks.
Also. There's a typo; please just roll with it. I have a book due, so I'm trying to write things as fast as possible.