Celeste Pewter

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Celeste Pewter


Former political staffer. UCI, King's College London, Johns Hopkins. | INFINITE SKY (Bloomsbury 2026) | Bylines in CNN, Teen Vogue, etc. | AAJA/SCBWI | Rep: Molly Ker Hawn at the Bent Agency.
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And here's my checklist in graphic form.
In non-political news, I'm incredibly perplexed by the people shooting off fireworks while the sun is still out.
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Guidance for US people trying to understand the UK election results later: Tories under 150 seats: LOL Tories under 120 seats: LMAO Tories under 100 seats: ROFL
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*its the same picture gif*
Paging Maureen Dowd, and her many, many op-eds from 2016.
I feel like I've heard "don't worry, Trump won't be that bad" before w.t.a.f.
I feel like I'm just issuing PSA reminders at this point, but: *Please remember that not everyone on social media is right.* It's been a chaotic week, and a lot of people are going to give their opinions. It doesn't mean they're right. Seek out true experts. And above all? Do. The. Work.
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Yesterday, I did as @celestepewter.bsky.social suggested and took three solid action steps re: the state of our country. With work and kids needing my energy, I don't know if I can do that every day. But I AM making a goal to take three (or more!) solid action steps weekly here on out.
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Sen. Durbin IS my senator, and I was able to get through to a lovely human who took my message on the SCOTUS decision. I hereby award myself a Gold Star for making the call without pausing to think about it, yah! @celestepewter.bsky.social #ICalledMyReps
Another thing you can do is call Dick Durbin's office and demand he stand up for democracy and haul Alito and Thomas before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And publicly demand their resignations. If you can't literally impeach them, AT LEAST use the bully pulpit. 202-224-2152.
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Hitting evening on the first day of bidding, and let’s talk about who this money will benefit. This year, our donations benefit Vote Riders and Fair Fight.
I don't know who needs to hear this right now, but: Please don't waste time picking fights w/ people who basically agree with you, and just differ on semantics. If today has reminded us of anything, it's that democracy is at stake. One side wants to end it. One side doesn't.
This is what happens when a lot of good journalists are forced to leave the industry, and almost everyone left is forced to tailor themselves to a get! the! clicks! model. You get dumbed down stories and rage bait, vs what the actual issue is.
“What makes you so confident you should be president?” is an actual question a reporter shouted at the incumbent who just warned about a reckless court decision that imperils democracy
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Also. Something that I've thinking about a lot, but haven't been able to put into words well (and still can't, tbh): I hope Dems are taking stock, looking at these rulings, and stop compromising w/ extremist Republicans so much. There are too many electeds and orgs making compromises w/ the GOP.
Periodic reminder: Vet your sources. There's a lot of news MIXED with people with a lot of opinions, as well as people conflating the two. Made this awhile ago, but here are some ways to vet what you're reading: www.instagram.com/p/C3yVfNyy8D...
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Reposted byAvatar Celeste Pewter
This is my must-do list for the next Dem administration that enjoys a workable majority in the House and Senate: - end the filibuster - expand SCOTUS to 13 justices (matching the 13 circuits) - require SCOTUS justices to ride circuit - replace lifetime SCOTUS appointments with fixed terms
Also. Something that I've thinking about a lot, but haven't been able to put into words well (and still can't, tbh): I hope Dems are taking stock, looking at these rulings, and stop compromising w/ extremist Republicans so much. There are too many electeds and orgs making compromises w/ the GOP.
Also. Something that I've thinking about a lot, but haven't been able to put into words well (and still can't, tbh): I hope Dems are taking stock, looking at these rulings, and stop compromising w/ extremist Republicans so much. There are too many electeds and orgs making compromises w/ the GOP.
Good morning, and this. In case you need context: www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme... I know it's grim, but think of three things you can do today to combat this. Have you picked out Senators to adopt yet? Can you phone bank?
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
Supreme Court says Trump has immunity for official acts in landmark ruling on presidential powerwww.cbsnews.com The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that former President Donald Trump is entitled to immunity from federal prosecution for official actions he took while in office.
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Call your people. I have crippling social anxiety and I do it so can you.
And please, pay attention after you vote. I can't tell you the number of people who've told me, "I voted. Why do I need to pay attention anymore?" Okay, but how do you know if you actually like what a now-elected is doing? You can't predict every move they make. Being vigilant = good.
Vote for selectman, vote for school board, vote for fucking dog catcher
In adopting a candidate news: This is hyper local, but I really want to encourage all of you to consider tossing a few dollars to @dankalmick.bsky.social. He's in the minority on the city council in Huntington Beach, CA. He's been fighting a huge battle against book bans + attempts -
They won't, because they want to be rehired in case he wins. In fact, I predict they're going to start tampering their remarks. They're not true public servants. They've always been looking out for their own bottom line.
I wish the ppl who worked in Trump admin, esp in defense and nat'l security, who've said he's a threat to democracy and unfit to be president would go on cable news/social media every day and ring some gd alarm bells to wake this country up on the threat of another T term! Jhc
For anyone who needs this in Instagram form, here ya go: www.instagram.com/p/C8zzc0COBD...
Periodic reminder: What you see on social media is an algorithm-curated echo chamber. Those who shout loudest typically get amplified the most, regardless of whether they’re right. The real work takes place offline. If you’re getting stressed out by today, take a break, focus on what you can do.
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I was just telling @mikechenwriter.bsky.social about this last night. And how ironic it is that the convention is also in Chicago this year. 🫠