
One of the most heartbreaking details we learned from Uvadle is that the kids were being quiet because that’s what they’d been trained to do. You hear the earliest cops to arrive repeatedly telling each other there must not be kids in those classrooms because they didn’t hear any crying.
Active shooter training at work was mostly about how there’s nothing much you can do so just don’t scare any cops who might arrive by screaming or crying.
Funny how times change. As a kid I had fire drills, and we'd all run outside to the field and line up by grade and class to be accounted for. As a parent my kids did lock down drills.
Still had nuclear war drills until about 1980 when I was a kid. We were in the blast radius of Norton AFB
I grew up under the gaze of an air raid siren in my school yard in the 60s. In Canada.
we still had your blackout curtains in my schools up till the 80s, but they switched the reason for the desk-crawl to "tornado drill"; more hand-me-downs from the atomic generation me, after seeing threads tho: man, like i even want to survive a nuclear war