
I'm in the process of renting out my house and moving into a rented house in a different area and... I wasn't exactly *surprised* by the difference in how the two sets of estate agents treat me, but it has still been quite radicalising
Anyway I think the main thing tenants need isn't actually reform, it's more slack in the system so landlords don't have it all their own way and have more incentive to hold on to good tenants. Reform is fine but it's not as good as more houses.
"Lots more houses" is the One Simple Fix to the housing system that no-one in power wants to talk about.
We rented after selling a house in the mid 90s, before it was such a mad thing, and I am pleased to say that Finders Keepers had already successfully rolled out the "anyone wanting to rent is by definition scum" model even then
On the landlord side they're just so blatant about it too, they were like oh and just add £100 to the rent in a year and they won't be able to complain once their kids are in school (obviously I am not going to do this because WTF)