Richard K

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Richard K

A company for carrying out an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is.
Okay, can recommend a nice tapas bar in Salamanca.
This reminds me of the joke about three engineers arguing about what kind of engineer god is. The first argues that god is a mechanical engineer: "Look at wrists and ankles! Those are amazing joints! God must be a mechanical engineer." /1
there's Iranian jokes about how dumb clergymen are - one visited a factory and saw a convoluted mass of pipes connecting two machines and asked why they didnt just use a straight pipe. "it's to cool the fluid first: they said. 1/
Still don't understand why the Swiss are even playing. Aren't they supposed to be neutral?
Wait are England good at penalties now? I'm so old.
Still can't get my chicken tikka to go red right through. Thinking of using cochineal next time.
Can't argue with geometry.
Just watched Germany equalise in a German town square.
Also a reminder that, much like the Tories, Osiris will judge you and throw you to the soul-eating demon Ammit if he doesn't like you.
Feeling like there needs to be PR but based on vote share of the total electorate. If more people don't vote, there are actually fewer MPs. Make every vote genuinely count.
Turnout of barely over 60% (based on slightly out-of-date figures, but still). Pretty poor mandate for change, to be honest.
Turnout of barely over 60% (based on slightly out-of-date figures, but still). Pretty poor mandate for change, to be honest.
Reposted byAvatar Richard K
In a stunning upset in Glasgow, all six seats were won by past or future incarnations of Doctor Who.
Reposted byAvatar Richard K
Ok, what I want now is for Farage to go from "wahey, 13 seats! " to "what the fuck, two seats?" in the space of 8 hours.
Actually Reform 13 does sound like the kind of group you'd proscribe.
Exit poll about what I expected, except Reform 13? PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE FASCISTS
More Reform than SNP? You twats.
Since I'm in a time zone an hour ahead of the UK I get the exits polls now, right?
I will have to admit that I wrote a cranky reply when I got a form response from my MP to a hand-crafted letter asking specific questions.
This is where I have a small, boring bit of advice, from my time managing a customer contact centre for a central government department: write letters to your MP asking them to raise issues with secretaries of state; make the letters unique, not copy-and-paste campaigns; be direct, not cranky.
Honestly don't understand what this means. What particular consequences is he offering to shoulder?
That next 1922 meeting.
I stand corrected.
Call me a pessimist but I think we're going to be reading a variation on this every day.
"And my favourite music is compilation albums."
and they say Starmer is boring. Sandwiches.
It took me a few moments to notice this was for a library.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
I feel that since the postal votes also need to be posted back, a guarantee only that they'll arrive before polling day isn't really good enough.
The Conservatives' view of life under Starmer's Labour, apparently.
Call me a pessimist but I think we're going to be reading a variation on this every day.
Actually intrigued at the assumption that the party won't instantly defenestrate him and that it's his choice
Little bemused here: does this mean it's officially everyone else's responsibility to disobey him when he tells them to do mad shit?
My first read: If a president commits crimes unrelated to him being the most powerful person in the world, he can be prosecuted. But if explicitly uses his powers to commit crimes, he is at least presumptively, and probably absolutely immune from prosecution. I mean, holy shit.
The one pixel difference between these two cursor states should not be allowed.