
This should be the story tomorrow, and every day: The leader of one of America’s two major political parties has just signaled to the Kremlin that if elected, he would not only refuse to defend Europe in World War III, but he would gladly support Vladimir Putin.
Trump Encourages Putin to Attack NATO At a rally on Saturday, the former president announced he would tell the Russians “to do whatever the hell they want” to states delinquent in their bills.
Even if they didn’t work together in 2016 (and beyond) this would make you think something corrupt is going on there.
His followers don’t care
I don’t watch tv so I don’t see it but from what I heard they make him seems normal for the crazy shit he says. Makes no sense to me.
Biden briefly confuses two nations he's actively engaging in global policy work with, it's a scandal. Trump says multiple times that Nikki Haley was the Speaker of the House and the press laughs once and moves on entirely.
30 % of the voters are Maga people, they are a lost case. 30 % are not assigned to any party and are indecisive by now, those people are important.
I can respect republicans they have good ideas now and then. I can’t respect maga followers all there ideas suck and hurt instead of help. I would be happy if there was more middle ground on a lot of topics. I’m left just not so far left.
My comment is about how the press are deeply asymmetrical in their coverage of the two men. Wasn't at all about how near or far left Biden is. 🤷🏼‍♂️
The corporate media amplifies the most extreme voices on the left far beyond their actual power or influence in a strategy to drive centrist voters to the corporate media’s preferred candidates.
They do this while barely covering extreme policy proposals *by elected Republicans*, or they pair the two as if the unelected left are somehow equal influencers as House GOP caucus members. 🤦🏼‍♂️
I mean, i am not an American, so i am not in a position to give advice. But realistically the Republican Party doesn't exist any more. This is Trumps Party now. Last week due to his advice they killed a bill in senate they proposed themself, just because Trump didn't liked it. GOP is gone.
No you’re %100 right I just happened to know republican friends who don’t like trump either. They’re few and far between but they are there.
Gone in terms of policy, but replaced by an authoritarian party that has about a 50-50 shot at seizing power in November.
Thing I don’t understand is that gop wants to get rid of social Security and I feel like that has to be huge even for republicans. Why would you vote yourself out of retirement. Makes no sense to me.
I’m at a loss on how anyone can be undecided after J6 & Trump saying he’ll terminate the Constitution & be a dictator. Are that many people really undecided on whether they want to continue living in a free country?
Remember when "grab them by the pussy" was a big thing and people were like "how can they still vote for him." Later he said he can shot someone and they will still vote for him. Sadly its true. But i am at a loss just like you.
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose At a campaign rally in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jokingly says he could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters."
Those people are most likely poorly informed, though.
Yea a good part of the society is away from any regular news at all. A dictators dream.